
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Comet, The Conjunction, The Coin, and The Corona

Bright Comet Erasmus

As we hit mid-December, I am seeing that this month is even more prophetically significant than I first realized!


The Comet


On Monday, December 14, 2020 the Moon will eclipse the Sun for 2 minutes and 9 seconds as seen from a swathe of Chile and Argentina. . . If the sky is clear in Chile and Argentina then observers will feel the temperature drop, and may hear confused birds noisily roost. They’ll glimpse the Sun’s hotter outer atmosphere called the corona.


They may also see a comet and bright green meteors during the brief totality. 


. . . Discovered in September by Nicolas Erasmus, an astronomer at the South African Astronomical Observatory, Comet C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) will be just 11º from the Sun and Moon during totality. . .


Comet Erasmus will shine at magnitude 4 or 5 on December 14, which is right on the limit of visibility in a dark sky, and since the Moon’s shadow is quite narrow the sky will probably not be dark enough. It may be picked-up by photographers, but probably not by onlookers. [Excerpt from]


What is prophetic about this comet? It appears close to earth every 2,000 years!


Every 2000 years, Comet Erasmus (C/2020 S3) visits the inner Solar System. News Flash: It’s back. Discovered on Sept. 17, 2020, by South African astronomer Nicolas Erasmus, the dirty snowball is plunging toward the sun for a close encounter inside the orbit of Mercury on Dec. 12th.


And what happened approximately 2,000 years ago? The birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Its discovery on September 17 reminded me of the September 2017 Revelation Sign of the Woman. Additionally, this comet showed up on December 14 when there were other events converging:


In the middle of Hanukkah on December 14 the United States Electoral College will vote on who is to be the next President. On the same day there will be a total solar eclipse casting its shadow across South America. Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture


Also noteworthy is the fact that this comet was spotted in 2020 by Nicolas Erasmus. “Erasmus” is also the name of a famous Catholic priest. According to Wikipedia-- Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was a Dutch philosopher and Christian scholar who is widely considered to have been one of the greatest scholars of the northern Renaissance and has been called "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists".  


Despite Desiderius Erasmus’ contributions to Scriptural translation, his description as a “Christian humanist” is an oxymoron since humanists do not believe in a supreme God. Also of interest is how humanism was a Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought.


Comets signal death and destruction and have historically occurred prior to a major event related to a world leader. I believe the comet discovered by Nicolas (which means “victory”) Erasmus could be signaling a coming victory for humanistic thinking and a return to the worship of ancient Greek gods (fallen angels and their offspring) albeit a very brief victory of approximately seven years after the True Church has been raptured to heaven.

The Conjunction


In my November 6 article, I wrote about the “Once-in-a-Generation” Great Conjunction:


This “Great Conjunction 2020” will occur on Monday, December 21, 2020, [on the exact date of the winter solstice] when Jupiter and Saturn appear in our post-sunset night sky just 0.06º apart. That’s about the same as the Venus-Jupiter conjunction of August 27, 2016, so this is effectively the best planetary conjunction for over four years.


This is purportedly not the same type of conjunction the magi followed when searching for the King of kings, however, could it still be a sign announcing the End of the Age of Grace and the imminent birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child into heaven?


. . . When taking into account the Biblical symbolism of this heliocentric conjunction of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn, I believe it foreshadows the Revelation Chapter 12 convergence of the Dragon (Saturn) as he attempts to devour the Man Child (Jupiter) at his birth but the Lord Jesus Christ (Sun--Malachi 4:2) snatches the Man Child/Bride to Heaven at the last atomos!


The 2020 Great Conjunction is when Jupiter and Saturn meet, whereas it is believed that the Bethlehem Star was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus. In Westward Leading Rick Larson writes:


By the following June, Jupiter had finished crowning Regulus. The Planet of Kings traveled on through the star field toward another spectacular rendezvous, this time with Venus, the Mother Planet. This conjunction was so close and so bright that it is today displayed in hundreds of planetaria around the world by scientists who may know nothing of Messiah. . .


No one alive had ever seen such a conjunction. If the Magi only began their travel plans in September, when they saw this sight nine months later, someone may have shouted “What are we waiting for? Mount up!” At the end of their travel, which may have taken weeks or months, these experts arrived in Jerusalem. . .


The Magi presumably described the timing of events starting in September of 3 BC and continuing through June of 2 BC. 

Jupiter and Regulus (Leo) in Conjunction, September 11, 3 B.C.  (The date stamp at the bottom of this image says “–2” for the year, meaning 3 B.C., since Stellarium labels 1 B.C. as Year 0 rather than as Year –1.)


If the 3 BC Star of Bethlehem conjunction occurred the very day of Jesus’ birth, this gives me hope that the Revelation 12 Man Child might experience his birth very soon after the December 21 “Once-in-a-Generation” Great Conjunction.


But That’s Just Me Blogsite reminds us to Look up! December 21rst – 25th and includes the link to a very uplifting video by George at the Return of the King Youtube Channel--December 25th: Convergence.

The Coin


Although I do not agree with his eschatology (he does not believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church), The End Times Forecaster in an October 2020 article points out how the Great Conjunction is illustrated on the Abraham Accord coin:


Most likely you have heard about the Abraham Accord and the Abraham Accord Coin. It appears that the coin has a signal to the Great Jupiter Saturn conjunction. I wonder why, here is the data, then the why. 

The first thing I would like to mention is that the Abraham Accord was based on the presupposition that Israel would divide her land. . .


Now let’s take a look at the Abraham Accord coin and see what it reveals. The first thing I would like to point out is the planet at the end of sword/top of coin.


Because of the ring around the planet, it looks like Saturn but it isn’t; it has a spot like Jupiter—Saturn does not have a spot.


The New Agers are heralding this conjunction as a time of great change. Many are saying that after this alignment things on earth will change in a significant way. . . saying there will be a major birthing of Aquarian Age energies on this day.


. . . I believe it is loaded with end times symbols and the coin is pointing to the Great conjunction—12/21/2020—as a major turning point in the end times.


Lu Vega points out more in THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS:


The Islamic sword morphs into Jupiter depicted with rings. It is followed by the Dove of Peace that heralds the Days of Noah symbology that has come to embody the cause of world peace. Why would such an icon be made to be confused with Saturn? It is because Saturn represents the ‘Cube’, the Kaaba, Lucifer, etc. It might very well be a double-entendre. To the Luciferians who presently control the world, they see the coming New World Order as being led by their ‘Messiah’ or Mahdi. . . Jupiter the ‘Planet of the Messiah’, but ‘King of the Gods’ to the occult.

The Crown for Those Who Long for His Appearing 


My son and I were talking about how the Antichrist is riding in on the Corona Virus to receive his crown. Those who are deceived by false religions may be anticipating their false Messiah, however, we who have come to intimately know the true Messiah eagerly await His appearing to us!


Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing [epipháneia-- a manifestation—appearing, brightness] of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; - Titus 2:13 KJV


Back in February of this year, when the virus of the crown ravaged China, I wrote 2020 Year of the Crown. Following is an excerpt:


While surfing the web to learn more related to the coronavirus, I came across many interesting things related to the word “corona”.


From Gary at

Corona is Latin for "crown."  The seven-headed dragon of Revelation 12 is wearing seven crowns on his heads, all the while he is attempting to devour the male child of the woman who is also wearing a crown. 


Corona also has its roots in the Greek word "koronis" translated "wreath or garland".


From Wikipedia: "Coronis is a textual symbol found in ancient Greek papyri that was used TO MARK THE END of an entire work or of a major section in poetic and prose texts." [bold highlight added by me]


We, the Bride of Christ, may first have to witness America losing her crown, but I still have hopes we might see our Bridegroom coming for us before the conclusion of 2020 and receive our crown:


Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing [epipháneia] - 2 Timothy 4:8 KJV


For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. - Romans 8:22-23 KJV


For we are saved by hope. . .- Romans 8:24a KJV


Related articles: Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture; Philadelphia and the Open Door 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture

We have seen signs in the heavens and in the earth. We have learned of the 400-year cycle and how it could relate to the November 11, 1620 Mayflower Compact which was not only a compact with England, but a covenant with God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now I want to share with you patterns that have come to my attention that point to the end of the Age of Grace.


The Moses Pattern


I recently watched the video Shocking Prophetic Timeline Reveals What's Next on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural Network. In this video Robin D. Bullock shares that he was shown in 2012 we had entered the “time of Moses”. The Lord said to Robin, “God’s people will be coming out. Several things will be happening now in sequence--things in the world and things in the Church. . .”


He then went on to list a number of headlines he saw immediately after receiving that prophetic word, some of which were:


* The Longest River in China Turned Blood Red

* A Pillar of Fire was caught on camera going across the     Australian desert

* Swarm of Locusts in Cairo, Egypt

* The Occupy Portland group danced around a golden calf statue


As we entered 2019-2020 Robin wondered if we were still in this timeline. Then all at once there was a bizarre fire and ice storm which they said was similar to the seventh plague of Egypt! A plague of rivers turned blood red around the world as well as additional locust swarms.

Then there was the 4.6 earthquake that hit the Red Sea where the Israelites had crossed during the time of Moses. Soon afterwards came the Passover coronavirus lockdown in Israel.


“However God is going to bring us out

is how He brought the children of Israel out,”

Robin continued.


The coronavirus parallels the Death Angel of Moses’ time.


“This is the culmination of the time of Moses,” Robin remarked, “And so. . . where we’re headed next is the Red Sea. What is a Red Sea sign? It is where you can’t go forward and you can’t go backward, it looks hopeless--totally hopeless. . . I believe we have come to that moment.”


Brothers and Sisters in Christ, as the threat of a possible DNA-altering vaccine closes in on us, the nearer we are to the open Heavenly door and seeing Jesus’ beaming face! The children of Israel were trapped just as we are now BUT GOD came rushing in!! Listen--


Robin went on to say that Habakkuk 3 tells that the children of Israel stopped complaining and started praising at the Red Sea while Moses held the rod up. As their praises went up the glory filled the Heavens and God met the Israelites as He came across the Red Sea right past the high place of Baal-Zephon--the last of the false gods of Egypt to be defeated!


God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.

Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet. - Habakkuk 3:3, 5 KJV

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, [even] for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah. - Habakkuk 3:13 KJV

Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, [through] the heap of great waters. - Habakkuk 3:15 KJV


This is confirmed in Rabbinical Literature:


The idol at Baalzephon was the only one that remained unharmed when God sent the tenth plague upon Egypt, which not only brought death to men and animals, but also destroyed the idols. When Pharaoh overtook Israel at the sea, near Baal-zephon (Ex. xiv. 9), he said, "This idol is indeed mighty, and the God of Israel is powerless over him." But God intentionally spared Baal-zephon in order to strengthen the infatuation of the wicked Pharaoh (Mek., Beshallaḥ, 2; Bo, 13).


Pharoah believed Baal-zephon was with him so he dared to cross the sea ending in the demise of the Egyptian army!

Baal-Zephon is the god of child sacrifice! At first I thought this would pertain to the overturn of Roe -v- Wade (and it still might). HOWEVER, now it has come into my spirit that God is going to challenge Baal once more! Look at the map of the Exodus Route and you will see that just as Israel stood with Moses at the MOUTH of the CANAL, we, the Revelation 12 Man Child are at the MOUTH of the BIRTH CANAL! We cannot go forward; we cannot go backward; all we can do is PRAISE GOD and call on Him to break forth on our behalf and DELIVER US!


God will be VICTORIOUS over Baal/Satan/Dragon who is trying to devour the Man Child (child sacrifice!) as seen in Revelation Chapter 12!!!

Before him went the pestilence,
 And fiery bolts went forth at his feet.
 Habakkuk 3:5 ASV

(Related article: The Revelation 12 Dragon and The Rapture)


Transition Pattern of Dispensations


Bob Barber recently did a video--Timing of Rapture Resurrection Revealed in Transition Patterns Between Dispensations of Time!--outlining the pattern that occurs every time there is a dispensation change. The pattern that God follows just before the world transitions from one age to the next is:


1--Judgment by God

2--Victory for God

3--Supernatural event


The crossing of the Red Sea was both a victory for God AND a supernatural event. If what Robin D. Bullock shared is true that God wishes to deal with Baal now at the closing of the Age of Grace, then it may be the VICTORY God wishes to claim will be simultaneous with the SUPERNATURAL EVENT of the Resurrection and Rapture of the True Church!


It would not surprise me, then if New York City--America’s Abortion Capital--first received JUDGMENT according to what prophetic voices have been shown (see New York Will Fall First!; Philadelphia and the Open Door). Then soon afterward would come the victorious catching away of the True Church!

I am picturing that very soon we may see this JUDGMENT fall on New York City perhaps simultaneously with Hanukkah. That is why I am looking so seriously at the Festival of Lights now because in my spirit I believe we as Lights in this dark world may be entering the last time we will shine!

2 Last Heavenly Signs Before the Rapture?


December 10-18 Hanukkah


Although I very much respect those who are studying other calendars, it appears that God is highlighting days (like during the 2014-2015 blood moons and the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman in 2017) on the Hebrew or Jewish calculated calendar for the purpose of getting Israel’s attention.


In a Comment to The End Game, Snow, and the Rapture, Michelle from Australia wrote about how Hanukkah was considered Jesus’ feast--


Michelle said...

Hi Lyn,Blessings sister,

You have some interesting points there. About 2 years ago,I had an extensive dream that covered a number of events over a period of a year or so, but the second to last scene in the dream highlighted the time frame of Halloween, then there was a short period of waiting before a season of miraculous ministry began. After that dream I had a very short dream, almost like a postscript, in which my 'father' and a group of people were inviting me to go with them to a very cold place, where there was snow. As I hesitated, my 'father' assured me that He would supply everything and provide the 'clothing' and everything I needed. It was an exciting mission trip.

In reading the last part of your post I was reminded of that dream and the sequence. As I live in the Southern Hemisphere, clearly the place that I was going, at the end of the year, Nov/ Dec must be in the Northern Hemisphere. Couldn't help thinking that perhaps we will visit the Mount of Transfiguration too.

The other thing that you wrote about that concurs for me is the timing of Hanukkah or Feast of Dedication of the Temple. I believe that 24 Kislev is when the Incarnation occurred. This date is so special that it is recorded in the book of Haggai 3 times and in Haggai 2:18 we're told that it was the day that the foundation of the Lord's Temple was laid and to 'consider it' Jesus is the foundation stone of the Lord's Temple and the believing Church is the Temple of God. Also, almost as a clue, the name Haggai means "My Feast".

In the Gospel of John there appears to be an overlay of a timeline, particularly in chapters 7-9 where Jesus' teaching occurs during the Feast of Tabernacles, then in the first half of chapter 10 , Jesus draws a vivid description and contrast between himself as the Good Shepherd, the Christ and the false shepherd/antichrist/thief. It would seem that in the chronology that this disclosure of the false shepherd occurs in the month of Cheshvan or early in the month of Kislev. Then in John 10:22 we see Jesus at The Feast of Dedication of the Temple (24th Kislev to beginning of Tevet) It is emphasized that it was winter.

Because of the above Scriptures I believe that the Feast of Hanukkah is 'His Feast' and as its name implies is all about the 'dedication' or consecration of His Temple. It is also interesting that 24th Kislev is the 84th day from Rosh Hashana on the Enoch calendar, and 84 is the value of Enoch (Chanowk or Hanoch)in Hebrew. Enoch means "dedicated".

You mentioned that Hanukkah begins on 10th December this year on the Hebrew calculated calendar, but I would add that if the calendar God uses is the Enoch/ Zadok calendar, the 24th Kislev falls on 15th December this year, so the Great Conjunction would fall during the week of Hanukkah, on the 6th day when 7 candles are lit.

These are just my observations and thoughts on this important time on God's calendar and I hope that sharing them is a blessing. Michelle.

November 19, 2020 at 5:52 AM 


It amazes me how we are in the same time frame of so many significant mile markers--The Great Flood, America’s 400th Year, The Fig Tree Generation, and The Incarnation at The Festival of Lights--to name a few.


The Great Flood, which according to the Bible
wiped out the world, started in Marcheshvan.

Month number:


Number of days:

29 (sometimes 30)



Gregorian equivalent:



Chanukah, the Festival of Lights,
begins on the 25th of Kislev.

Month number:


Number of days:

30 (sometimes 29)



Gregorian equivalent:



Perhaps the Spirit of the Lord is indicating that during this upcoming Hanukkah as the vaccine or lead-in to the Mark of the Beast System is pushed on the population, it will signal the rise of the Antichrist or False Shepherd (as Michelle points out). It is at this time-- the physically darkest time of the year and the spiritually darkest time before the nightfall of Jacob’s Trouble--the True Church will shine the brightest!

December 14 Total Solar Eclipse/Electoral College Vote


In the middle of Hanukkah on December 14 the United States Electoral College will vote on who is to be the next President. On the same day there will be a total solar eclipse casting its shadow across South America. Why is this significant?


The December 14 total solar eclipse is occurring exactly at the center point between the 2017 Great American Total Solar Eclipse and the coming 2024 Second American Total Solar Eclipse:


The 2017 and 2024 eclipses span a total of 2422 days and the 2020 eclipse is 1211 days apart from each of them. 1211 days = exactly 173 weeks. . .


Now what does all this mean? Bottom line; I believe this eclipse is a harbinger of major judgments coming, to the world and America the Babylon. Now the next question is; when? 


In observing past eclipses and the judgments that have followed them, I fully expect judgments to be accompanied by and or follow, at esoteric intervals, the 12/14/20 eclipse.  

Not only that, but the December 14 total solar eclipse occurs within the so-called "new" 13th constellation of Ophiucus, or the Serpent-Bearer. Ophiucus could symbolize our Savior, but I believe it also could represent the Archangel Michael grappling with the Dragon Satan therefore the eclipse occurring within Ophiucus could be a sign representing the soon coming war in heaven in Revelation 12:

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. - Revelation 12:3-4 KJV


And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. - Revelation 12:7, 9 KJV

God is assuring us that He’s got a hold of the Dragon that is coming after us! What occurs after the Dragon appears but before the Man Child/True Church is devoured? The RAPTURE!


And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne. - Revelation 12:5 KJV


In light of the prophetic dream given to Grace Overflowing (see the November 23 Update to Philadelphia and the Open Door) where Jesus told her the Rapture would be “in 12 minutes”, I thought the following was noteworthy:


The instant of greatest eclipse takes place on 2020 Dec 14 at 16:14:39 TD (16:13:30 UT1). This is 1.8 days after the Moon reaches perigee. During the eclipse, the Sun is in the constellation Ophiuchus. The synodic month in which the eclipse takes place has a Brown Lunation Number of 1212. [Excerpt from]


Since the number 12 represents God’s perfect government, I believe He is marking this day with His number 12 reminding the world that He makes kings and His Divine Plan will go forward no matter what happens in the December 14 Electoral College vote!


Twelve also reminds us that God Almighty rules the heavens. Remember that the Mazzaroth or original Zodiac has 12 constellations:


The sun which "rules" the day, and the moon and stars which "govern" the night, do so by their passage through the twelve signs of the Zodiac which completes the great circle of the heavens of 360 (12 x 30) degrees or divisions, and thus govern the year. Number in Scripture PDF


How good our God is that He would design such a magnificent heavenly clock--a clock that is telling us we are reaching THE END!

Kings and Priests


Michelle was shown in her dream that a brief time after Halloween there would be “a season of miraculous ministry”.  This could parallel the short revival I was shown in The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions and also the visions associated with "New York, Chicago, L.A.".

Could it be that we will minister this winter in a short revival brought on because of the vaccine push and perhaps judgment on New York with our heavenly wedding taking place around Hanukkah? This would fulfill Revelation 1:6--


And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;

to him [be] glory and dominion

for ever and ever. Amen. - Revelation 1:6 KJV


In a Hebrew wedding the Bride is presented as a queen alongside her King. And if our Heavenly Marriage does occur at Hanukkah, we would simultaneously be dedicated as priests to commemorate HIS Feast of Dedication! Here is yet another “12”:


G-d gave the wedding customs, service, and ceremonies to the Jewish people (Romans 3:2; 9:4) to teach us about the Messiah Yeshua (Colossians 2:16-17). With this in mind, let's examine the biblical wedding ceremony that G-d gave to the Jewish people. The ancient Jewish wedding ceremony G-d gave to the Jewish people to teach us about the wedding of the Messiah consisted of 12 steps. . .


The time of the return of the bridegroom was usually at midnight. When the bridegroom did come, he came with a shout (Matthew 25:6) and with the blowing of a shofar (trumpet) (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 4:1). The marriage between the bride and the groom will take place under the chupah or wedding canopy. Since Heaven is a type of chupah, we can see that when Yeshua gives a shout for His bride, accompanied by the blowing of a shofar (trumpet), the marriage between Yeshua and His bride will take place in Heaven.


. . . On the wedding day, the bridegroom is seen as a king and the bride as a queen. During the consummation of the marriage, the bridegroom (Yeshua) will be crowned King over all the earth and the bride (the believers in Yeshua, the Messiah) will live with Him and rule with Him forever. [From]


This year the Season of Light/Hanukkah begins at sunset on December 10 and ends at sunset December 18. It is my hope that we as Lights in this world will shine brightly in the midst of the persecution of this fake pandemic; and when we reach our Red Sea moment, quicker than the flick of a light switch, Christ will snatch us out of harm’s way and we Light-bearers will be gone.

The second and I pray last heavenly sign is to occur December 21--the “Once-in-a-Generation” Great Conjunction. As I shared in a previous article, it may symbolize the Rapture and will look similar to the Bethlehem Star!


December 21 Once-in-a-Generation Great Conjunction


In my dream, it was after I saw the three supermoons that I then saw “a brilliant white light like a huge star, appear overhead” and announced, “It's time! He's here!”

2020 Dark Winter and "Once-in-a-Generation Great Conjunction"


Signs occur before the event they signal. Both the December 14 and 21 heavenly signs I believe represent the events leading to the Rapture. Because of the patterns and 400-year cycle, it can’t be much longer after these signs that the events DO occur!


So SHINE, Dear Ones, SHINE in this short time we have left and LOOK UP for your Bridegroom comes!


December 5, 2020, CONFIRMATION

In his December 5 video Joey Bon shares how in 2012 the Lord spoke to him about the planets aligning on the Winter Solstice and the confirmation he received that the December 21 Great Conjunction is the sign the Lord was referring to. Joey believes it is similar to the sign of the Bethlehem Star seen at the time of Christ’s birth and that the December 21 Bethlehem Star is a sign for the birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child!

The Return of the King Youtube Channel also gives a wonderful summary of the heavenly and Scriptural convergences surrounding the December 21 Great Convergence and more specifically those that occur on December 25, 2020, in his recent video!


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Philadelphia and the Open Door

While typing up the notes for this article, it came into my spirit that the timing and events surrounding this election in the United States is part of God’s GREAT DIVIDE judgment on our nation due to it being instrumental in the dividing of Jerusalem. AND this Presidential election centering around Philadelphia is prophetically announcing a series of dividing events that will lead to the departure of His True Church.


PHILADELPHIA--The city that not only America but the whole world is focused on as related to the contested 2020 Presidential election:


In the 2020 presidential election, "The fact is, precious few states are likely to matter, and Pennsylvania has emerged as one of the top-tier states...We’re going to be, in effect, ground zero," according to Franklin & Marshall College political science professor G. Terry Madonna.[3]


Pennsylvania was where our nation was founded, specifically in Philadelphia! It is significant that all eyes are on Philadelphia now for it is a sign of the end of America AND the end of the Age.


Coming Series of Dividing Events


The political division is only the beginning of a series of dividing events:


Judgment Begins in the House of God


First, the sheep and the goats will be divided meaning the Spirit-filled believers in Christ and those who are Christians in name only. It is possible that the coming vaccine will be the impetus in this. Are you aware that on August 21, 2020, The Christian Post wrote that 2,700 evangelicals warn against politicizing coronavirus, urge Christians to take vaccine [bold emphasis added by me].

This Evangelical Petition was released by BioLogos and is called “A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times.” It touts that Christians should believe what the scientific community is presenting and that wearing masks and taking the vaccine is walking in love. This is a trap! We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and the truth is that the Bible warns of this so-called vaccine! (Related articles: The Mask and the Mark; The Dark Winter and "The Once-in-a-Generation Great Conjunction").


False Flag Revival


More spiritual division will occur due to a brief wave of revival that is birthed due to some type of Luciferian elite plan for a false flag attack most likely on New York City. Both agency insiders and prophetic voices have confirmed there will be some type of unconventional nuclear weapon used:


This false flag event will occur either in “the Capitol” or “in a city North of that in New York” and be caused by ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY [reports Steven Ben Nun]. Steven believes it will happen at the Capitol. . . he reports that there will be many false flag events coming utilizing technology we have never imagined leading our Brother to believe that some of the coming asteroids will be manmade. While the United States is going through the turmoil associated with all these events, then war will come.


. . . it is MAJOR CONFIRMATION of what was impressed in my spirit from the Lord back in February 2019:


. . . Before war comes to America, I believe God—IN HIS GREAT MERCY—will allow Her to experience some type of national calamity. It most likely will come as an apparent natural disaster.


. . . I believe this coming national disaster will be the last thing we will experience in our earthly bodies BEFORE we TRANSITION into our eternal spiritual bodies. [The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions excerpt]

My Glory is Coming in September!


The Ultimate Divide--The Rapture


There will be a brief time for the Body of Christ to reach out to the unsaved and then the ultimate divide occurs with the departure of the CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA as promised in the Book of Revelation:


Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. - Revelation 3:10 KJV


We are in the time of keeping God’s word with patience, Brethren! To save time I will share only one confirmation of this. At the 23-minute mark of the Endtime Dream and Vision video titled World Will Know That This Was The Turning Point! Heads Up Church!! Bob Barber shares a prophecy through Chris Reed. Chris has an open vision of the Lord and hears Him say (in part):


Watch Pennsylvania, particularly Philadelphia. And what I said to the church of Philadelphia in the Book of Revelation so say I now to my Church in this season about the city of Philadelphia and the nation in the days ahead.


And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth. . .

Before hearing the above prophetic word, I had already written--As God closes the door on America, He will open the Revelation 4:1 door to the church of Philadelphia:


I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. - Revelation 3:8 KJV


This will lead to the final division in the series--the PHYSICAL DIVISION of America via earthquakes especially at the time of the Rapture when there will be worldwide quakes as foretold in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation (related article: Earthquakes and Resurrections).


Oh, Church of Philadelphia--

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. - Revelation 3:11 KJV

UPDATE November 23, 2020


The day after posting the above article I stumbled upon a video and felt the prodding of the Spirit to check it out--Prophetic Dream | Highlighting events from NOW to Rapture & Voice of God told me how much longer!!! “I wonder if the events this woman shares is similar to what the Lord has shown me?” I thought.

Within the first two minutes of this video posted by Grace Overflowing I had my answer, because in that short span of time Grace summarizes her five prophetic dreams given to her on Friday, November 13, 2020, which revealed a progression of events very similar to mine including:


*the 2020 Presidential election results

*persecution of the Church

*a coming calamity

*the rise of the Gospel

*snow and the Rapture!


In my previous article, The End Game, Snow, and the Rapture, I wondered if Dana Coverstone’s dream might refer to a New Madrid earthquake; however, it looks more and more like the “coming calamity” might be the false flag attack on New York City as I mentioned above.

Grace tells of one of her dreams wherein there is a 6 to 7 inch snowfall verifying what I wrote, which is, “‘Snow’ is the vessel that will carry us Home . . .”