
Friday, May 8, 2020


“New York will fall first. Then Chicago and L.A.” this was what the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in September of 2019 which was to confirm to me that He was indeed the author of the visions and words I received and recorded in a blog article titled New York, Chicago, L.A.

The arrival of the birds come as a morgue truck worker had to use bedsheets to carry up to 80 corpses after body bags ran out amidst the coronavirus crisis. Though most birds lack any sense of smell, vultures can sniff out a dead corpse from more than a mile away.

The three birds were snapped over the top of the USNS Comfort — the hospital ship brought to the city last month with the aim of providing relief for overflowing hospitals.

. . . In one snap, a vulture was seen stretching out its wings as it flew near the One World Trade Center — a poignant reminder of another tragic event that brought New York to its knees nearly two decades ago.

An ominous sign indeed; however, these past events in The Big Apple are only the beginning of what is coming upon New York City. I am but one voice of many putting out yet another WATCHMAN’S WARNING TO NEW YORK CITY!

The time for another strike on NYC apparently has come as posted May 7, 2020, by Fresh Oil Releases. Here’s an excerpt:

. . . “She will be struck from without” and for a split second, I wondered if He meant a military attack of some sort. Then, in the left top corner of my vision, I saw flaming fireballs streaking down from space, so I had the sense that He was referring to a meteor strike and that the . . . impact of the flaming meteors would be the strike.

The way He said it, there was no arguing or changing His mind. It was a statement of fact. I wondered when this would happen and He highlighted the months of May and June this year for the commencement of the rain of fire, although it may occur at other times as well as we pass through the cloud of space dust we are presently entering.

Hope of The Call of the Bride reminded me of David Wilkerson's prophecy regarding New York City. Here's an excerpt:

David Wilkerson Prophecy 1992
Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen.  God is going to let down the walls. There will be unimaginable violence and looting.  The violence will be so ferocious, it will shock the whole world.  Our streets will be lined, not just with the National Guard, but with militia. A thousand fires will burn at the same time throughout the city. . .


  1. David Wilkerson appoints his 1,000 fires prophecy to riots in the street. But it is quite possible that these fires will occur over the next 60 days (due to two waves of incoming comet Swan debris), and the fires will in turn, beget riots. So MUCH is pointing to NYC! Please keep our brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer, that are located in this city. The fires will NOT hurt them!


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