
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon--Israel's Omen

An epiphany came to me, so I had to get on here and share it.

I was listening to Bob Barber share a subscriber’s dream (REVELATION 12 SIGN VS EARTHLY FULFILMENT! DREAM CONFIRMATION INCLUDED!) that sounded very similar to the dream I had back in 2016. As I thought on this and on the upcoming January 31 super blue blood moon, I re-read the article I shared about my dream:

3 Planets Dream

I dreamed I was looking up at the sky with my husband and a few other people. It seemed as though we were in the front yard of our home looking towards the Western sky. (In reality I had been watching the night sky for the past few weeks because the planet Jupiter was appearing in the constellation Leo as a sign of Genesis 49:10.)

In this dream it was daytime but we could see there was a planet, very large, looming overhead. It looked similar to what the moon looks like when you spot it during the daytime--kind of bluish. Then to my surprise I looked over to another part of the sky and saw what looked like TWO large planets close together--they may have actually been overlapping each other--I cannot remember the detail of it. I then saw a brilliant white light like a huge star, appear overhead. "It's time! He's here!" I shouted with sheer delight as a feeling of exhilaration filled my being and I jumped into the air in anticipation but was not yet taken up and then the dream ended. 3 Planets Dream and Reality

I now believe that what the Spirit of the Lord was attempting to show me is related to the three super moons I wrote about in my January 19, 2018, post— 2018 Final Signs?

This is why. In the first place what I referred to as 3 planets looked like huge MOONS. What is the name for huge moons? SUPER MOONS. Secondly, two of the super moons were close together or OVERLAPPED each other. I believe this indicates that the two super moons occur in the same month, which is the case this month of January!

By the way, I had no knowledge of there being super moons occurring in 2017 and 2018 when I had that dream back in 2016.

Now, as Bob Barber reminded us in his video, signs are shown before an event or destination occurs. Also dreams are dreams. God gives His people dreams and visions (Joel 2:28) but they must be weighed according to the Scriptures. Although there is no sign given in the Scriptures related to the catching away of the overcoming saints, we do see the signs of a coming great world war.

In NOBODY TOLD YOU THIS ABOUT THE SUPER BLOOD MOON JANUARY 31, 2018 there is a clip of Perry Stone explaining how it is written in the Talmud that full lunar-eclipsed moons (blood moons) indicate “the sword of the Lord” or world war.

When the moon is in eclipse, 
it is a bad omen for Israel.
If its face is as red as blood, [it is a sign that]
the sword is coming to the world.
Talmud Sukkah 29a

It just so happens that a minor Jewish holiday, Tu Bi Shvat, mentioned in the Mishnah falls on the same day as the third super moon. Tu Bi Shvat is Hebrew for “The New Year of the Trees”. Its significance is related to Israel’s celebration of its rebirth or replanting as the ‘fig tree’!

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: -So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, [even] at the doors. –
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. - Matthew 24:32-34 KJV

In my dream after I noticed the two overlapping moons, I saw a brilliant white light and knew it was the Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus, coming for His Bride; but it wasn’t time—yet.
Source: BLCF
The time certainly must be close though, brethren. Do you believe the January 31 super blue blood moon is a sign that we are seeing the close of the final generation Jesus spoke about?

Caveat: I do not necessarily agree with all the beliefs of anyone whose material I reference. I seek to be led of the Spirit of God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12.

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