Hello dear ones!
With Google Blogger updating things, I thought I should update my blog's look just a little.
But what I REALLY want is to know what YOU would like to see, learn, or know about. 'Like what?' you might ask. Well--about ANYTHING that pertains to life and godliness!
The reason my blog is called 'Everyday Life in the Spirit' is because our entire lives are affected by the spiritual realm. That is why you will see posts about all different subjects--ranging from how I get my way when I want something in life to dramatic experiences with God!
I'm not claiming to be some kind of expert, I'm simply trying to better connect with folks for I am still learning about this whole blogging thing. If you like what you have seen so far, let me know that as well. So...
Show some love & please leave a [constructive] comment~
I have thouroughly enjoyed your blog. It seems to me your blogs are sincere and helpful. Don't change a thing unless inspired by the Holy Spirit. Love, Sis
Awwww shucks, sis. Thanks for the encouragement:)
I Love your blog and I love you
too O well I'm your hubby....
My sweet family, you are wonderful supporters.
I do have some ideas, but I must wait for the timing isn't right yet. This seems to be my season for the Spirit of the Lord to work patience in me!
Now if I could hear from someone NOT related to me by blood or marriage...
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