
Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Birth and the Star

This morning I watched a video in which a Sister in Christ shared a vivid dream where again a great asteroid or fireball was seen falling towards earth as the Rapture of the Man Child/Bride occurred. In The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child I have shared my dream and other dreams and visions wherein a great comet or asteroid is seen plummeting towards earth on the day of the Rapture—the day the Man Child is born--and propose that there might have been a great comet seen in the sky at the time of the birth of Christ.

Many believe and have reported that a looming planetary system . . . is likely related to the many dreams of moons or planets and a large comet appearing on the Day of the Rapture.  From Prophesied Events Before the Rapture


Hanukkah and Childbirth


Those who regularly read my articles know that the catching away or Rapture of Those in Christ is described in Revelation 12 as a birth. This reminded me of how Zola Levitt in his booklet, The Seven Feasts of Israel, saw a correlation between the 7 Feasts as delineated in Leviticus and the development of a child within the womb.

Even though it is an added minor festival, Zola included Chanukah for he believed it symbolized the DAY OF A CHILD’S BIRTH and the BEGINNING OF ETERNAL LIFE. He points out that in the Book of Daniel the prophet foretells of the coming Anti-Messiah ending the daily sacrifice and performing the transgression of desolation.

I find it prophetically significant that it is DANIEL who is shown the 2nd Desolation even before the 1st Abomination of Desolation occurred by the hand of Antiochus Epiphanes (a type of the end-times Antichrist), and before Chanukah, the Feast of Dedication, was instituted.



The Book of Daniel, Hanukkah, and the Antichrist Pattern (discussed later in this article) seemingly pinpoint this Winter for a season of EPIPHANY. The word epiphany means “a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something; an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure. . .” It is borrowed from Late Greek epipháneia "appearance, manifestation (of God in the Old Testament, of Christ's first coming or of the Second Coming)."


In Daniel's Prophetic Role at Christmas Christine Darg  explores the prophetic meaning of the Messiah’s star and the connection of Daniel the prophet to the Persian priestly caste called the Magi. Christine explains how traditionally the Magi are pictured as arriving to worship the newborn Christ at the same time as the Shepherds, however, Scripture teaches they came to see Jesus later when He was a toddler. The Shepherds represent Israel who Jesus was sent to first (Matthew 15:24; Romans 1:16) and the Magi are symbolic of the Gentiles who would come to believe on Jesus as Christ.


The Feast of the Epiphany is the commemoration of the Magi’s visit:


The festival originated in the Eastern church, where it at first included a commemoration of Christ’s birth. In Rome, by 354 Christ’s birth was being celebrated on December 25 (Christmas), and later in the 4th century the church in Rome began celebrating Epiphany on January 6. In the Western church the festival primarily commemorates the visit by the Magi to the infant Jesus, which is seen as evidence that Christ, the Jewish Messiah, came also for the salvation of Gentiles. Source:


I point this out because it is highly probable that THIS WINTER the world will be rocked in a Great Transitional Shaking as the SONS OF GOD MANIFEST THE GLORY OF GOD in a wondrous ‘Festival of Lights’ and Brief Revival just before the Dispensation of Grace comes to an end. I believe it will be a time when Christ will appear first IN His people before He comes FOR His people. (Related: Is there REALLY a RAPTURE? Also Tim Henderson’s recent video RAPTURE SOON. Rapture Dream. God is SHOWING OUT! WFS.)


For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. - Romans 8:19 KJV

What Causes the Shaking?


The birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child will be similar to natural childbirth. From Erasing the Line in the Sand:


What must it be like for the unborn as his mother trembles with the throes of the birth process?


Those in the medical field generally agree that birth is not painful for the infant, but it is likely he will feel the squeeze as he passes through the birth canal. It will be dark and probably disconcerting for along with the pressure of contractions will be great shaking as his mother succumbs to the stage of transition.


To those who identify themselves with the Overcoming Man Child whose birth and subsequent harpazo to the throne of God is described in Revelation 12:1-5, I have written that:


I believe the Lord is showing us we are going to have to experience SHAKING in our birth process. . . When this shaking occurs, there will be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like we’ve never seen before will occur.


. . . When this time of shaking comes, it is not the Seals of Revelation being opened; it is the spiritual world entering TRANSITION. The dropping of HIS shoe


The Scriptures foretell of the earth undergoing a pole shift—twice. (See But That’s Just Me Blog article TWO POLE SHIFTS—The Stars Fall Twice for an excellent explanation of this.)


As is explained in that article, the FIRST POLE SHIFT occurs as part of the WRATH OF THE LAMB. This is also when there will be a WORLDWIDE EARTHQUAKE. HOWEVER! BEFORE the first pole shift occurs, BEFORE the WRATH OF THE LAMB, it has been prophesied America will experience a large earthquake and there will be days of darkness worldwide due to the near proximity of what is called the Planet X or Nibiru planetary system and its dwarf star.

More and more sightings are being made worldwide of this binary solar system. Jeff P recently uploaded a video reporting on several recent sightings of a large striped orb. (See also The Final Days Youtube Channel.)


In childbirth the mother does not launch into full-blown labor contractions but experiences “warm-up” contractions first. As I share in Prophesied Events Before the Rapture the Man Child/Bride will still be on earth during these “warm-up” contractions. Some have been shown the Rapture will occur during the days of darkness. As I have shared in previous posts, the Lord has simply shown me that during an apparent natural disaster our time on earth to minister will be very brief and that we will walk in great GLORY and LIGHT quickly followed by the Rapture.

As this world groans in preparation for Jacob’s Trouble, the Birthpangs of Messiah, we are to shine for our KING!

The Jerusalem Post reported that Netanyahu is expected to announce his government this week. He currently has until December 21, Wednesday, to do this, although he may request another extension to Sunday, December 25. 

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. - Isaiah 60:1-2 KJV


Darkness shall cover the earth; but, though it be gross darkness, darkness that might be felt, like that of Egypt, that shall overspread the people, yet the church, like Goshen, shall have light at the same time. Source:

Divide Israel and America Will Be Divided

News of recent secret meetings bolsters my belief in these prophecies coming to pass very soon. In Pastor Paul’s Interview With MFATW Secret Meetings Russia Positioning By Force 12:15:22 Mike From Around The World (MFATW)—an insider frequently interviewed by Paul Begley—explains that in a secret meeting incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was told he must accept the Two State Solution and agree to part the land back to the 1967 borders and also divide Jerusalem!


“Negotiation time is over. Everything is by force on a global scale.”


This dividing of Israel, and in particular Jerusalem, has been prophesied to be the cause of a great earthquake to divide the United States.

Hanukkah/Hitler/AC Pattern:


T. W. Tramm writes this about Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, in Kislev: Eschatological Correlations:


The central theme of Hanukkah is that, despite Satan’s relentless efforts to defile the Temple, which ultimately represents the Body of Christ, or Church (1 Cor. 3), it will be purified and dedicated to the Lord, as a spotless bride to her husband (2 Cor. 11:12; Eph. 5:25–27).


In the 2nd Book of Maccabees, we learn that Hanukkah, the festival that commemorates the rededication of the Temple, is patterned after the original festival of dedication, the Feast of Tabernacles (2 Macc. 1:9, 18; 1 Kings 8). Since Hanukkah is essentially a delayed observance of Tabernacles, some Hasidic scholars teach that it in fact marks the final conclusion of the High Holy days, the period of judgment and “sealing” associated with Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. . .


In John chapter 4, it is during Kislev, when spring is yet four months away, that Jesus surveys the ‘spiritual field,’ or ‘field of humanity,’ and deems it ripe for harvest: “You have a saying, ‘Four more months and then the harvest.’ But I tell you, take a good look at the fields; the crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested!” (John 4:35).


These poignant truths suggest the possibility that this Hanukkah will be a time of completion of the Man Child and a final preparation time for the Bride when all who will be sealed by God’s Holy Spirit will be harvested at the last minute before the Rapture.

Our Brother T. W. continues in this article to tell how in Haggai 2 the LORD gives Haggai a prophecy on the 24th day of the 9th month that in the future God will shake the heavens and the earth:


And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth [day] of the month, saying, Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; - Haggai 2:20-21 KJV


The date of the 24th day of the 9th month is the 24th of Kislev. On the 2022 Gregorian calendar this falls on December 18—the beginning of Hanukkah.


Haman 2.0 Hybrid Solar Eclipse


God has been beautifully and wonderfully setting signs and patterns in the heavens illustrating His plan. In CELESTIAL COUNTDOWN TO CHRIST’S 1,000-YEAR REIGN! AN 119-YEAR PATTERN - THE PURIM SETUP narrator Jerod of Supernatural By Design Youtube Channel shares information indicating that Hitler (an Antichrist figure and who Jerod refers to as Haman 2.0) came to power January 30 the same year as the Purim Eclipse of 1933. In this 14-minute video he explains how there is a Saros Cycle pertaining to eclipses and how it relates to Israel going all the way back to World War I and the Balfour Declaration (the British document supporting a Jewish state). This Brother shows the celestial and historical pattern pointing to the rise of the Antichrist in 2023! The pattern is end-capped with a hybrid solar eclipse on April 20, 2023—Hitler’s birthday!

With Hanukkah, Christmas, and Purim, we see the connection to the rise of the Antichrist and how it relates to the Season we are currently in which means the Overcoming Church must first depart! We will go out in a blaze of glory as Tim Henderson relayed leaving the earth in great darkness.


When the King extended his sceptre to Esther it was to show his favor and resulted in him granting her wish. Could it be that on the Day of the Rapture, a Comet or Sceptre Star, will be extended toward us, the Bride, thus granting our greatest desire--to be with our KING forever! Source: The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child



Updated 12/19/2022

Monday, November 28, 2022



On November 21, 2022, our Brother in Christ, George at The Return of the King Youtube Channel, posted The Revelation 12 Sign and the Rapture!  In those 9 minutes he made astute and profound statements:


🌟 “The signs in the heavens have been building since February of this year. They appear to me to be reaching a zenith in the next couple of days.”


He points out that four days from the November 8 blood moon the moon enters the constellation of Gemini representing the Church’s Wedding in Heaven—the same day on the Jewish calendar that Noah entered the Ark.


T. W. Tramm also wrote of the significance of the constellation Gemini and the fantastic June 2022 Planetary Parade: “The Sun and Moon meet up every year in Gemini, the wedding sign, for one or two days around the end of June–July. What makes this year’s meeting unique is the planetary procession occurring simultaneously. . . The message of June’s planetary parade seems to be, ‘the Wedding of Weddings is near!’”

🌟 At 1:44 minutes into the video George states that the November 8 blood moon in Aries could be the final sign to Israel and the world that the wrath of the Lamb is about to be poured out. Several other Brethren have spoken the same and I am in agreement with them. At 8:30 minutes in the video George also mentions the occultic I Pet Goat 2 scene depicting the birth of the Antichrist as he glides toward the horizon where we see the tail of Scorpio.

And what is the point in interjecting the Occultic Heliofant Short Film with the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse? For all the years of the Predictive Programing that has thus far been mostly accurate. Since the film came out in 2012, the final stage corresponding to the place and time of the Antarctic Total Solar Eclipse is the ‘End of the Road’, as it is said, of its ‘Message’ or ‘Warning’ or Predictive Programming. And what is that of? The Debut of their AntiChrist. [excerpt from Postscripts #582]


The Election Blood Moon and Hanukkah


The 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad is a significant starting point in the chiastic solar and lunar pattern wherein the May 2022 Blood Moon is the pinnacle (see Ken Potter’s 11-minute video May 2022 Blood Moon Eclipse Significance).


On a nudge from the Holy Spirit, I looked up how many days were between the Tetrad and the November 8 Election Blood Moon. The fourth total lunar eclipse of the Tetrad occurred on the night of September 27-28 during Sukkot and was the closest supermoon of 2015 and in the Northern Hemisphere is called the Harvest Moon. It is 2,597 to 2,598 days between this last Blood Moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad to the November 7-8, 2022, Election Blood Moon. The number 2597 in the Strong’s Concordance matches the Hebrew חֲנֻכָּא (ḥănukā') which means “dedication; consecration”. In the Greek it matches καταβαίνω (katabainō), which means “descend; come down; fall; to be cast down”.


What is interesting is that both 2597 and 2598 in the Strong’s Concordance have approximately the same definitions. Even more interesting are some of the verses that include katabainō within them:


For the Lord himself shall descend[G2597] from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 KJV


Therefore rejoice, [ye] heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down[G2597] unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. - Revelation 12:12 KJV


While praying and re-reading the draft for this article, another Spirit-inspired mathematical nudge came to me—add the digits in 2597. It comes to 23. Could this be a nod to a 2023 Rapture? I truly am not a “prophetic numbers” kinda gal, and only time will tell if these nudges were from the Spirit of the Lord or not.

The Hebrew word corresponding to 2597 is also noteworthy for ḥănukā' brings to mind the Feast of Dedication/Hanukkah when Jesus made these promises:


And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.

Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me.

But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck [harpazō]  them out of my hand.

My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [harpazō]  [them] out of my Father's hand. John 10:22-28 KJV


The reason no one will pluck His sheep from His hand is because He Himself will pluck or harpazō His people (1 Thessalonians 4:17; Revelation 12:5)!

Season of Lights Out?


Many are now pointing to this coming Chanukkah, the Festival of Lights, as a probable Rapture time—a festival we have looked at before. It is eye-opening to realize that back in 2018 I wrote an article with a section with the subtitle, Season of Lights Out, in light of Europe’s energy crisis this winter. In that article I referred to Jeff of Unsealed’s article that he had written in 2017 titled Hanukkah Harbinger--When the Light of the World Goes Out:


The original Hanukkah is also a harbinger of an even greater time of distress for Jacob (Jer. 30:7Matt. 24:21-22)—a time that is fast approaching and near upon us. The ruthless "king of the North," Antiochus IV, is a textbook prototype of the coming Antichrist, right down to his self-deification and desecration of the temple in Jerusalem (c.f. Matt. 24:152 Thess. 2:4Rev. 13:5-713-14). This ancient Greco-Syrian tyrant provides us with a template for the future "abomination of desolation" spoken of by the prophet Daniel and reiterated by the Lord Jesus (Dan. 9:27Matt. 24:15).


. . . Today, Israel's darkest hour looms before us. This year we've already seen the great sign of Revelation 12:1-2 fulfilled in the sky overhead; a sure-fire sign indicating the extreme nearness of the 70th week.


We could very well be meeting the Lord in the air this December. However, if we do not, I have great expectancy of the LAST PROPHETIC DOMINO being set in place at that time (more on this subject later in this article).


Hanukkah is also called The Season of Light and is when Jesus was likely conceived. It is referred to as His Feast (see Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture). In John 10 Jesus draws a vivid description and contrast between himself as the Good Shepherd, the Christ, and the false shepherd/antichrist/thief. Then in John 10:22 we see Jesus at The Feast of Dedication of the Temple. It is emphasized that it was winter.


Hanukkah and Wintertime are very much associated with the Coming of the Antichrist as is pointed out by Steve Fletcher in his recent videos regarding Hanukkah. (More on that below.)

The Crowning of the Antichrist?


Although I am not able to vet the sources of what I am about to share with you, what I am about to tell you I believe has happened. The Powers That Be (the world elite) have been pushing very hard to have all things in place for the Antichrist as J. D. Farag clearly outlines in his November 20, 2022, Prophecy Update.


BUT GOD is forcing them to adhere to HIS timeline, not theirs. And get this--


They are in such a hurry “to get their party started” they have already crowned the son of perdition! I first heard about this on the Hagmann Report on Rumble. At about 18:48 minutes into the video Steve Quayle, a guest on the show, talks about COP27 and says, “The Antichrist was crowned in a secret ceremony where they never showed his face because it wasn’t the time to reveal.” Steve went on to say that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until the destruction of the West. He also mentioned that there was a lady that prophesied about this very ceremony but could not remember her name. This led me to look it up on Youtube. . .


It was Vicky Parnell—the same Sister in Christ who shared her Thanksgiving dream. There are things going on behind the scenes in the geopolitical realm that we common folk are not privy to unless revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and perhaps this is the case here. Vicky was given a series of visual downloads (two dreams and a vision) that will make your hair curl for she was shown the coronation of the son of Lucifer during the COP27 meeting as he was surrounded by famous people, some of whom she never heard of before, and guarded by two giant Nephilim:


The Coronation Dream 11-8-22 & 11-9-22 (Uploaded 11/14/22)

COP27 Vision of the Crowning of Antichrist 11-11-22 @ 10:23PM

Why I believe this could have happened as she describes is because Revelation 6 says the Rider on the White Horse “was given a crown”.


And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. - Revelation 6:2 KJV


Here we see the false Christ finally released to have his prophetic hour. He comes riding on a white horse in imitation of the True One Who will be returning to earth in great glory at His Second Coming upon a white horse (Revelation 19). Notice that Revelation 6:2 reads like the false one on the white horse already has his crown before he rides!


The global elite have been meeting throughout 2022 finalizing their plans for the coming Antichrist Age—in June it was the WTO or World Trade Organization's 12th Ministerial Conference then The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC was held in Egypt from November 6 to 18 almost simultaneously with the 17th G20 Leaders’ Summit on 15-16 November 2022.

J. D. Farag in his November 20, 2022, Prophecy Update outlines what will be the coming result of these meetings and how it will be put into effect NOW for “they know they must strike while the proverbial iron is hot”:

1. A Digital Currency

2. A Climate Carbon Credit Score

3. A mandatory COVID Injection Schedule


J. D. read excerpts from the G20 Declaration and believes it “is evidence that all of this is in tandem, in concert, connecting one with the other”. The Declaration refers back to the June WTO Conference and “actually attaches to this the timeline of six months. Well, that puts it into December 12th, 13th, which comports with a White House Executive Order that we talked about a while back earlier this year. . .” [Pg. 16, Bible Prophecy Update – November 20, 2022 Transcript PDF]


While The Powers That Be were aligning their schemes, the Most High God had already orchestrated His Plan and let the world know it by placing the sign of the June Planetary Parade in the heavens at the same time!

Nukes, UFOs, and a Comet

In Alien Demon Connection. Why They Are Abducting People!  LIVE 11-7-22 L. A. Marzulli, interviewed by David Heavener, tells how he and the late David Flynn discussed their belief that disclosure of “aliens” (which in reality are demonic entities) would occur when there will be some type of NUCLEAR EVENT on the planet. (THIS WOULD ALIGN WITH MANY DREAMS AND VISIONS OF BRETHREN.) L. A. added that he believed, as Chuck Missler did, that the Antichrist will boast some kind of alien connection. Since the Antichrist is the offspring of the Dragon, he cannot be fully human but likely a hybrid.

L. A. Marzulli believes the 2 Thessalonians 2:3 “falling away” refers to us witnessing the release of Nephilim upon the earth before the Rapture. However, if a nuclear event occurs before the release of demonic alien UFOs and Nephilim, the Lord of Glory has revealed to His followers that when the nuclear missiles come down, we go up! Revelation 12 foretells that before the Man Child is born there is a casting down of the fallen angels and therefore a release in the demonic realm to cause havoc on earth. HOWEVER, Father God sends His Son Jesus to snatch the Man Child/Bride out of danger at the same time!


And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.


And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.


And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne. - Revelation 12:1-5 KJV


Referring back to the 2597-day count relating to the Election Blood Moon—does it point to the Revelation 12 casting down of the fallen angels to occur during Hanukkah resulting in the Man Child being caught up to God and his throne?  


Israel’s expectation of their messiah coupled with dreams and visions of Those in Christ that I have shared in previous posts assure us of the nearness of our catching away by our Beloved Bridegroom.


According to The Zohar, the basis of Jewish esoteric learning, a star is associated with the timing of their messiah being revealed. In an article posted recently NASA warns asteroid could impact the Earth in five months on March 11, 2023:


The appearance of a bright star is described in the Bible as a sign presaging the arrival of the Messiah, as explained by the renowned medieval scholar Maimonides who described the prophecy of Balaam in the Bible as referring to astronomical phenomena presaging the Messiah. . . Jewish sources describe a star that will appear in the end of days, wreaking havoc but not destroying the world, what many refer to as Nibiru.


This particular asteroid may or may not fulfill this prophecy, but Brothers and Sisters in Christ have been shown that on the Day of the Rapture in addition to UFOs appearing during nuclear war, a comet will be heading towards earth. (For more on this see The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child.)


Rapture in 5783?


The coming of this “Rapture Comet” may be connected to the Hebrew Year 5783 we find ourselves in which began September 25, 2022, and ends September 15, 2023 according to This is my first of three reasons why I believe our Great Escape will be no later than 5783:


1—Our Brother Will at Worship and Watch made an intriguing discovery regarding the Biblical Year of 5783. I shared the link to that video in my article Sign Line Ends in 2022. The reason I gave it that title is because I thought the Planet Parade was the last sign pointing to the end of the Dispensation of Grace! I now believe, as George at The Return of the King YTC, that the November 8 Blood Moon is likely the LAST SIGN!


In Will’s video, HUGE Heavenly sign--missed until now! Holy Spirit revelation for encouragement in these endtimes! he explains the link between the Biblical Year of 5783 and a very possible 5783 Rapture! He bases his findings on Gary’s charts at A Timeline That Just Might Fit and  Monumental Change Could Be Coming: Reviewing & Confirming.


2—Only days before the Hebrew Year of 5783 began, five red heifers arrived at Ben Gurion Airport from America. If one of them retains its pure red coat it will be the first qualified red heifer in 2000 years. In the 12th century, the Jewish sage Maimonides said that throughout the first and second temple periods there were nine red heifers.  He predicted the tenth would signal the appearance of the Messiah ( There are prominent Rabbis that believe “5783 will be a Jubilee year and will usher in the Messiah”. It will be the false messiah, however, who might be revealed in 5783 with the True One not yet returning to earth until seven years after the Antichrist has his hour on earth.


3—In 5782 Hebrew Calendar - LAST CALL? Eric Burton shared how the Hebrew letters that correspond to 5783 indicate Jesus walking towards a door!

Netanyahu, Hanukkah & the Coming of Messiah


What I am hoping is the last PROPHETIC domino to be set in place is Benjamin Netanyahu once again taking his position as Prime Minister of Israel. Since Bibi was successfully re-elected earlier this month, when will he take office?


Assuming Netanyahu can reach a coalition agreement by the December 11 deadline, the Knesset Speaker will call a confidence vote within seven days. If all goes to plan, Bibi’s government will then take office, perhaps on December 18 – in time for Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights (and miracles). [Posted 11/11/22 by CNN]


(Chanukah this year begins at sunset on December 18.) Steve Fletcher posted this today on his Community Page regarding the Festival of Lights:

Jesus celebrated Hanukkah in John chapter 10. 

Jesus talked about the Harpazo GK 726 in John 10. 

Jesus ESCAPED from the grasp of the pharisees on Hanukkah

The Abomination of Desolation happened on Hanukkah. Matthew 24:15.

Haggai says the shaking happens on Hanukkah (Haggai 2).

Enoch was the first raptured, Enoch means Dedication. Feast of Enoch, Feast of Dedication.

Jesus said the Great Tribulation will begin in winter. Matthew 24:21.

Esther was married and Crowned on the 7th day of Hanukkah. Esther represents the Bride of Christ.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is set to begin in December.

Hanukkah is 40 days from the last Blood Moon until 2025.

Winter solstice is Midweek Hanukkah, the MIDNIGHT of the year, Bridegroom comes at MIDNIGHT.

SHEEP CIRCLING still since November 4. Jesus Talked about the Sheep in John 10 on Hanukkah!!!

The Covid Vaccination drive (MOTB) began Hanukkah December 14 2020

Here is the link to my playlist posting to all these items and more since August. There are nearly 200,000 views on all these videos, I have done all I can to share what I have received.


One more thing regarding Benjamin Netanyahu. . .


On March 4, 2020, Israel 365 News posted Netanyahu Wins Election After Rabbi Predicts He will be Israel’s Last Prime Minister before Messiah:


. . . Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, one of the most influential Sephardic spiritual leaders of the century who passed away in 2006 at the age of 106, met with Netanyahu in 1997 during his first term as prime minister. Rabbi Kaduri whispered a long message into the politician’s ear. Rabbi Shmuel Shmueli, a follower of Rabbi Kaduri, revealed that Kaduri had always maintained that Netanyahu would serve a very long time and after his term in office, the Messiah would arrive. Before his death, Kaduri had said that he expected the Jewish Messiah, to arrive soon and that he had met him a year earlier.


When Kaduri prophesied to Netanyahu that he would serve a very long time and after his term in office the Messiah would arrive, I am wondering if the Rabbi (who many report came to believe on Jesus Christ the year before Kaduri’s death) could have been referring to the True Messiah Jesus Christ’s Second Coming to earth at the end of the Tribulation?


Netanyahu was born October 21, 1949, very soon after the rebirth of his nation Israel in 1948. At age 73 the newly elected Prime Minister may be the perfect prophetic illustration of the Fig Tree Generation soon to enter Jacob’s Trouble.