
Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Year of The Shining One Anointing

News and other revelations are pouring in so fast, Brethren, that THIS COULD BE IT! By that I am referring to a particular event that may lead to our soon Heavenly Homecoming: Now the End Begins hours ago posted, SHOCK: Israel Has Just Announced They Will Tell The United Nations Tomorrow That They Are Ready To Finally Agree To The Two State Solution!


The United States, of course, has been at the forefront of pressuring Israel to accept the Two State Solution. According to research done by White House Correspondent William R. Koenig, author of Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, disasters have befallen America in direct and immediate response to our nation’s devotion to rob Israel of their God-given land.

Quoting from, "All of these major catastrophes transpired on the very same day or within 24-hours of U.S. presidents Bush, Clinton and Bush applying pressure on Israel to trade her land for promises of "peace and security. . ."


A number of known men of God have shared their dreams and visions that if the United States is instrumental in dividing Israel and especially Jerusalem, then America will be divided. Many Brethren have been shown that this dividing will include a large earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line that will split the country in two.


The goal of this blogsite has been for me to obediently share whatever the Spirit of Christ lays on my heart to encourage, exhort, and comfort my Brethren. This can be very challenging for sometimes the Lord gives me difficult messages. Being human I admit I could be wrong; however, based on several confirmations, I believe the Overcoming Church will witness a Great Shaking wherein a large earthquake will occur in America along with a global blackout just prior to the Rapture in order to awaken the unsaved.


This may sound like God’s wrath, however, I believe He has shown me (and others) that the quake will actually be caused by man using advanced technology. Therefore, it is not yet His wrath coming upon the earth. But, as promised in 1 Thessalonians, His wrath cannot be far behind:


For when they shall say, Peace and safety;

then sudden destruction cometh upon them,

as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV


Shortly afterwards, Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom, will Catch Away the Church Bride.


To be found in Christ, simply confess from your heart that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead:


That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,

thou shalt be saved.

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;

and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. - Romans 10:9-10 KJV




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9/25 and 9/30 UPDATE: What about the TWO STATE SOLUTION?

Since Yair Lapid made his September 22, 2022, UN speech, there has been much controversy over whether it is indeed the majority of the Israeli people who are for a Two-State Solution—it really depends on which poll you look at. Erick Stakelbeck and others don’t believe Lapid has the influence to carry this out and see it signed.

HOWEVER, in a report by Michael Snyder, All Of A Sudden, There Is A Huge New Push To Establish A Palestinian State, he writes:

It has always been assumed that a Palestinian state would be the product of long negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but now it is being suggested that Israel could ultimately decide to make a move unilaterally.

In other words, one day Israel could just declare that the Palestinians now have a state in areas under their control.

According to the Jerusalem Post, a source inside the Israeli government is saying that “we will act on our own” if they feel that is the best option…

“If it is necessary,” and “this is agreed upon with the Americans, we will act on our own,” the source said. “We do not have to update anyone, and we do not need to ask permission from anyone.”

Michael Snyder and others don’t think Lapid will act on this until after the November 1 elections; BUT before I ever came across Mr. Snyder’s article, it came into my mind that there would be secret dealings going on behind closed doors. This may be the case with this establishing of a Palestinian state. In my opinion, THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION COULD BE SIGNED AND PUT IN PLACE ANY DAY NOW!

What does it mean for those of us who are watching this unfold who know this is against the Word of the one true God?

I still believe the earthly birth pains we are seeing are not going to let up but become more and more intense just as in a natural birth. Biden and Trudeau welcome Lapid’s statement on the two-state solution and where did we see major hurricane activity recently? Fiona in Canada and now Ian is heading for Florida! I admit my expectations might be wrong, but I am still watching for major earthly events to occur leading up to Rosh Hashanah that will be the catalyst for a brief awakening, the Harvest coming to completion, then the Catching Away of the Man Child/Bride. 

What is extraordinary about the New Hebrew Year of 5783 is that scholars are saying it is a JUBILEE YEAR. Here’s the kicker: IN A JUBILEE YEAR, ROSH HASHANA IS COMMEMORATED ON YOM KIPPUR! (Also see WILL WE FLY FREE AT THE JUBILEE?)

As beloved Youtube pastor Tim Henderson frequently says,


“An awakening can happen in an hour!”



Updated 10/1/22