
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

TRANSITION--It won't be long now!

Just when I think my mind is too cluttered to hear Him, He makes a way. He is showing all of us hidden things, giving us encouraging signals, winks and nods. For me, I truly feel like a spiritual midwife helping my laboring brethren through the arduous last hours on Earth!

To stay on top of things, I listen to alternative news channels on Youtube as I do household chores. Tim Henderson’s channel is one of them. Just today Tim told how the Lord woke him from a deep sleep and told him to write this down:

. . . This message is for true believers . . . A shedding has begun as we transition. . . We are going from glory to glory. . . He is coming for His Bride, the Glorious Church. . . Weights and lusts we have struggled with we will struggle with no more! The last vestiges of a prolonged illness will be as if it never was!” [Message in part]

This living word from the Spirit of God gave me much encouragement and confirmed what He has been showing me and others. [Related posts: Erasing the Line in the Sand for a September Rapture; 5780--The Year of the Mouth and Birthing]

Resting during transition

Then Tim spoke this exhortation--“We need to be focused on abiding in Him, trusting in Him, resting in His amazing grace.” When I heard this, I knew I had to share with you all what the Spirit of Christ impressed on me yesterday.

While viewing a video about a water filter we were thinking of buying, I saw that the Youtube Channel I was watching featured home birth stories. Being that I also had had home births (wa-a-ay back in the day) and had trained as a doula, I was curious about what this young mother had to share. As I listened to her tell the story of the home birth of her sixth child, the Spirit of God caused my ears to perk as she described going into transition.

In the 10-minute video she admitted saying to her midwife, “I don’t like this part,” when she knew she had entered the transition phase of her labor. Having used the Bradley Method for her home births, this mom knew that if she concentrated on resting during her contractions, she would not experience any pain.

As in all births, transition is the most acute phase so it is challenging to relax during the constant barrage of intense contractions.

She continued her story while cradling her three-days-old newborn. “I was able to recognize, because of all my previous births, that I was in transition so I knew it wouldn’t be long at all. That gave me such hope. This part’s pretty hard but it’s almost over!”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ--be of good cheer! Have hope! “This part’s pretty hard but it’s almost over!”

As a spiritual midwife, I cannot do the labor for you--each individually must experience the contractions for themselves--but I can speak words of exhortation, encouragement, and words of guidance as to how to handle the contractions. And this is that guidance--REST! Rest in the Lord! Seek His holy face. No matter how you might feel, He loves you fiercely and desires to speak words of comfort to you.

Not long now, Dear Ones.

I'm not certain, of course, what we will face during this time. I just know that if we keep our focus on Him, we will have a peace that passes understanding and we will be able to endure any “contractions” or worldly tribulations without pain.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 KJV

Tim Henderson yesterday reported that since the U.S. announcement of Israeli settlements on the West Bank being within legal guidelines, rockets once again were being fired causing a red alert to be issued. He also mentioned that the Damascus Airport was being targeted.

Additionally, according to Tim’s highly reliable intel source, there is a strong chance that Israel could possibly face a third election. If the result is again no government being formed, it is likely Israel will look to the Anti-Messiah for their leadership! Prophetically speaking, that means soon we will be outta here for the Scripture assures us the Rapture MUST occur before the Antichrist can be revealed! 

Oh what a Hope we have! Beloved Brethren, The Man Child is entering transition--it won’t be long at all--it’s almost over.

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