
Monday, June 3, 2019

2019 and the Two-Year Warning of The Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman!

UPDATE: Instead of reading this article, please read: Erasing the Line in the Sand for a September Rapture. I have gone from believing the Rapture would occur no later than September 2019 to now knowing by His Spirit that first will come certain catastrophic events that will catapult us into the final leg of our time on earth.

This article might be me simply making notes to myself once again, but the Two-Year Warning pointed out recently by two Youtubers has me very excited, so here goes some brief notes. . .

Yesterday I read Gary of Unsealed’s article The Great South American Eclipse wherein he shared:

On July 2nd a total eclipse of the sun will blanket a large swath of South America in darkness.  This will be the first total solar eclipse since the Great American Eclipse on August 21, 2017, which occurred the very day the U.S. government began its peace plan push in the Middle East—the diplomatic bargain soon to be unveiled, now known as "The Deal of the Century."

Then this morning I caught Barry Scarbrough’s video The Great South American Eclipse and Two Year Rapture Sign. Barry pointed out various two-year warnings contained in Scripture and related them to the two Americas’ eclipses being close to two years apart.

The pièce de résistance was when I was able to watch Jaco Prinsloo’s latest video (The Real End Game and the Final Signs to Watch for as it Approaches) just this afternoon as I was folding a pile of laundry. I hurriedly finished my chore and got on my computer because Jaco’s video was a confirmation to what Barry pointed out!

Jaco shares how the Star of Bethlehem was the heavenly sign of Christ’s First Coming. He then asks a very pertinent question—Why did Herod ask when the Star of Bethlehem first appeared?

Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. - Matthew 2:7 KJV

Herod knew it was the sign of Jesus’ birth; so, to be sure the Christ child would be destroyed, he then ordered all two-year olds and under to be slain:

Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. - Matthew 2:16 KJV

Then Jaco asks an even more pertinent and thrilling question:

If the Star of Bethlehem was the sign given of Christ’s First Coming, is the September 23, 2017, Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman the Two-Year Warning before His Second Coming?

Yes! Yes! YES! My hopeful heart cries out!

If this is the case, just as Jesus was born sometime within the two-year period of the appearing of the Star of Bethlehem, the birth of the Man Child (Revelation 12:5) a.k.a. the Resurrection/Rapture of the Overcoming Church, must happen no later than two years from the 2017 appearing of the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman. This draws a line in the sand (as Brother Jaco so aptly put it) for September 2019!!!



  1. So be it sister, Amen. TY for this "line in the sand"! Blessings Always as our hearts beat as one in Christ

  2. Much love in Him, Brother♥♥♥

  3. Short and sweet sister. I love to see a line in the stand. will be watching this week as always, and if that passes, will be watching through June incase Pentacost is off with all the calendar mess-ups. Failing that I will be watching diligently throughout 2019 until he comes. As we all will be. blessings to you Lyn.

  4. Hi Jordan♥ Pentecost sure looks promising for our Departure the more I study it! So I am in agreement with your idea--I am anticipating Rapture any day now in June, but have steeled myself just in case. . . Thank you, Jordan, and many blessings to you and yours as well, dear Brother.

  5. Oh how lovely. I have also wondered if we were seeing a two- year warning, as the Rev 12 sign (verses 1- 2)appeared 2 years ago, on a special occasion, that most are unaware of. Shabbat Shuvah, is the annual single Sabbath, when it occurs in between the two holiest days in Hebrew thought, waiting to be fulfilled: Feast of Trumpets FOT ( Yom Hadin- Judgment Day/ beginning of the end) but, goes by countless names with labels attached, and Feast of Atonement/ the end of the end -of the trib. It's the critical holy day communicator of Yahweh/Yeshua to Israel,( and the world at large) "to Return and rest/ trust" ( in the works of Jesus's gospel by faith/ repentance.

    This occurrence of that sign, the birthing of the Heir, which Paul goes to great lengths to explain with Isaiah's writings in mind, and John's vision of New Jerusalem, our mother of Gal 4: 26-27 giving birth ( glorification of the Sons of God)to the eternal new mankind in Yeshua, are well explained by Paul in Galatians 3-4; and why he quotes Isaiah 54: 1. This is a sister scripture among many, to go with Revelation 12. The birthing of the Sons of God, as a collective heir, Paul says in Gal 4. Issac was a fore-shadow of this Heir of all true believers waiting to be clothed in immortality on the Last Trump ( only ever associated with FOT). So, its very exciting, I share in your joyful anticipation!

    Anyhow, with that event being seen just 2 years ago, in my studies of research with this "Shabbat Shuvah", I have learned that core scripture ties in to this, especially with regard to Hosea, a key book. Chapter 14, of that book, is a double cry from God, to tell Israel ( and mankind) to "RETURN, RETURN". I was curious and speaking to the Lord asking him if each of the Returns were one for 2017- 2018, and 2018 to 2019 = two years till glorification? Other scriptures go along with it. God was speaking by his heavens and his word, two witnesses. How lovely, this God we serve, and how he honors the fulfilling of the Feast of Trumpets, the next feast to come regarding his Lion status for the autumn feasts of his second coming(s). I don't think most people understood the Day of 9/23/17 was so packed with meaning and scripture communication to provide context to the sign. I also think that because many didn't understand it was a fore-warning and not for the purpose of rapture/resurrection on THAT day, interest has waned, meaning was lost.Like the Mathew 25 parable of the virgins, the Bridegroom was delayed, and they all went to sleep till he announced one midnight , he had arrived. I think that is significant to understanding this unusual 2 years, and what is happening, perhaps?

    part 1/2

  6. part 2
    I am also reminded of the Star of Bethlehem in the Summer of 2015, a precursor of prep by rebirth, my people, message from the Lord in symbol. Star + Jesus is coming, I mean to say.

    The Star that Astonished the World free online book, interestingly enough- and a lot of Christians, are exploring the idea that Jesus, the head of the new humanity, ( God in flesh) was born on 9/ 11/ 3 bc) which happens to be Feast of Trumpets involving that Rev 12 sign and Isaiah 7 as well. Have u read this book? I disagree with his timing of the rapture to come 14 judgments into it, but his research of what occurred on that day in history, is nothing short of awe-inspiring. And as we are his body and his bride, we would share that same birthday, when we receive new flesh, as eternal life is granted to us, on that day, soon.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmm.......Much more could be said like Adam and Eve and even Issac the first heir, all sharing that common birthday of Feast of Trumpets, plus Jesus, plus his bride/ heir are interesting, when you read the rabbis cautiously, who know their history of their ancestors. Many other things occurred on this day of great importance, too.

    Much love. Feast of Trumpets in the constellations and paper calendars too, sync: Sept 30th, 2019, when the sun is at her back, the moon at her feet, from Stellarium, & Rev 12 combined. Even "The Day and Hour that no Man Knows", is Rosh Chodesh, the new moon of Feast of Trumpets, by exact title of that holy day, and the wedding day of Messiah too. It's also cultural Jewish "Wedding- Speak", and all ancient Jews said it of their wedding, giving honor to the Father to call it, but with God, it goes along with the Feasts of Yahweh, and while they didn't know when the new moon was, with technology and Kepler math, we do now. No wonder he says Be Ready ( born again) & watching ( Feast days and signs for your inheritance, inviting others to become a bride and heir in Christ Jesus ' gift).

  7. Unknown~Thank you for your Comment. My favorite thing you shared:
    "No wonder he says Be Ready ( born again) & watching ( Feast days and signs for your inheritance, inviting others to become a bride and heir in Christ Jesus ' gift)."

    I am NOT convinced the Rapture must fulfill a Feast Day. In a recent article I give an explanation for this:

    I could be wrong, of course. We are ALL continually learning that is IF we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and remain humble.

    Many blessings to you and yours♥

  8. Hi Lyn,
    Apparently, this year's Pentecost Harvest season is not quite finished yet! All the connections involved with this season and the Bride of Christ, including the Story of Ruth, and the beautiful beckonings in The Song of Solomon are quite breathtaking! I too, have not been convinced that the Jewish Feast of Trumpets is to come into play for The Church! I enjoy reading your posts so much Lyn. Very excited for His Return to take us to Himself. God bless you sister.

  9. Shiloah♥ Thank you for taking the time to comment.Blessings to you and yours as well♥

  10. Hi Lyn, I hope all is well as we wait and watch here in Feb 2021. This is still an important blog and the Rev 12 sign significant. There are numerous signs now of our LORD's soon return. The shows the 6001st year rapidly approaching. I've been reading about Rabbi Kaduri and Shoshani's prophecy about the Israeli elections - all came true and now add Kisma and time is short. Another interesting fact is in Rev 12: 6, the 1260 days where the "woman fled into the wilderness" for safety is that the new elections are set for March 23, 2021!


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