
Friday, September 22, 2017

Embrace HOPE

With all my heart I desire to meet my Lord and King Yahshuah Ha Moshiach--Jesus--face to face. The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures have revealed we are living in the last days and this is being manifested in actual world events. I have given the clarion call to the best of my ability as led by the Spirit.

The Feast of Trumpets is the next appointed time to be fulfilled by the Lord Jesus. It has been my personal speculation that this is the most promising of years for that glorious meeting (also see By the Skin of Our Teeth). Whether He comes or not this particular Rosh Hashanah, I will continue to look for Him, for He is our Hope of Glory.

A special Sister in Christ sent me this from Anne Graham Lotz--may it encourage you as it did me! 

Our world is unraveling.  Our nation is imploding. In the midst of the darkness, danger, and division, where is hope found? Our hope is found in a Person.  Someone who has everything under control. The One alone who is able to rule the world, and our own lives, rightly.[1]  Because the world around us is not falling apart. It is falling into place. God is working His plan to bring all things under the supreme authority of His Son, Jesus Christ —   to redeem us, to return for us, and then to rule the world with justice and righteousness,

ushering in 1000 years of world peace.

Keep looking up! There is Hope!  Don’t be afraid!  One day soon, Jesus will come back to receive you to Himself, so that where He is, you may be also.[2]  He will wipe away your tears, clothe you in a body like His, and enfold you in His arms![3]  You will be wrapped in His glory, face to face with the One whose Word says if you suffer with Him you will share in His glory…the One who will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords![4]  Forever!
So…fix your eyes on Jesus.[5] Follow Him closely. Then be a reflection of Him as you let others see Him in your words, actions, and life. The purpose of this webpage is to give you resources to help keep you focused on hope.  Embrace Hope for yourself.  Then turn around. Give Hope to someone else. Give them Jesus!
[1] Revelation 5:5, 10  [2] John 14:1-3  [3] Revelation 21:3-4; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
[4] 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 19:16  [5] Hebrews 12:1-3

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to

 face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as

 also I am known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

Caveat: I do not necessarily agree with all the beliefs of anyone whose material I reference. I seek to be led of the Spirit of God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, our source of hope is in knowing God and His goodness. Jesus' soon return will be glorious for those of us who believe. MARANATHA


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