
Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Solar Eclipse Omen

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cross the entire contiguous United States, beginning in Oregon and ending in South Carolina...It has also been noted that another total solar eclipse will cross the United States at an opposite angle seven years later in 2024...The fact that two total solar eclipses, spaced seven years apart, cross the entirety of the contiguous United States, and form an 'x' over the chief Gentile nation on earth should give you pause...
Before you continue reading, please realize that this is not an end of the world prediction.  We actually believe the world will never end.  We believe that God may be communicating a message through this eclipse about the general nearness of Christ's return.

The above excerpt is from an article by and is so very poignant I felt compelled to post it. Click on this link to read the full message: The Divine Message of the August Eclipse  

An urgency fills me to continue to warn whoever has ears to listen because in addition to the above, another fact is that this eclipse occurs:

º  33 days prior to the Revelation 12 Great Sign on September 23 this year and

º  on August 21, 2017, which corresponds to Elul 1 on the Hebrew calendar
Mark Biltz explains the significance of these two facts and more in his video, Pastor Mark...the coming eclipse.

Events in the world in addition to the Scriptures appear to be pointing to a time of great trouble for America IF SHE AS A NATION DOES NOT REPENT! So far the best video I have heard related to the solar eclipse encompassing its significance is a Mark Correll teaching, "Where is America in Biblical Prophecy?” This is what I would say is a truly MUST SEE video!

Sign of Jonah

Did you realize that there was a solar eclipse near Nineveh around the time Jonah was sent to warn that city of coming judgment if they did not repent? America is receiving the same warning shot as Nineveh did with the upcoming August 21 total solar eclipse!

Incorporating Mark Biltz’s research, Steve Cioccolanti goes more in depth with this teaching in his new video, Is the USA in the Bible? Steve points out that at the center of the ‘X’ made by the two crossing solar eclipses over America is the New Madrid fault line. It has been prophesied that this is where a major earthquake will occur sometime in America’s future. A number of known men of God have shared their dreams and visions related to this such as John Kilpatrick, Shane Warren, John Paul Jackson and Sundar Selvaraj, but probably the first was David Wilkerson back in 1973:

The United States is going to experience, in the not-too-distant future, the most tragic earthquake in its history…I am not at all convinced that this earthquake will take place in California. In fact, I believe it is going to take place where it is least expected. (The Vision and Beyond by David Wilkerson, page 28; also available at PDF)

Whether you believe God speaks to His people in this way or not, time is running out for those who have not made Jesus Christ the Lord of their life. Jesus is the only way to escape the sudden destruction that is coming upon the earth. 

A wonderful resource that contains a summary of information related to the Revelation 12 Sign as well as the Great American Eclipse of August 21 is this PDF of The Revelation 12 Sign of September 23, 2017.

Caveat: I do not necessarily agree with all the beliefs of anyone whose material I reference. I seek to be led of the Spirit of God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12.


  1. `Lyn all of your informative posts bless me immensely sister, i give thanks to God for leading me to your wonderful blog, sincerely, tony in vt. Shalom to you n yours* ...and that 'must see' video was truly awesome! You Lyn, are a blessing from the Lord as well as those on your links...Thank You so much

  2. It is so very nice to know that I am encouraging and informing at least ONE person--LOL! It has been helpful to my reasoning process to sit down and write what I am learning in the Scriptures and put it together with current events and what members of the Body of Christ have said.I believe WE ALL have something to contribute to the Body of Christ and I am thankful for your exhortation to me, brother. Blessings mightily to you and yours~Lyn

  3. you are one of my hero's Lyn, your welcome and i'm much obliged! Good things are ultimately in store for those of us who fear Him and hope in His mercy* let us pray for one another...btw Have you seen Alan Horvaths recent rapture update video Lyn? Blessings, tony in vt.

  4. Thanks Tony! Yes, I have seen Alan Horvath's Most Comprehensive Rapture Update--I posted it here:

  5. actually i am referring to an additional video of his where he shares a friends thoughts on his original 2017 compehensive rapture vid! His lady friend has some interesting things to say!!! you'll find it! Shalom sister*...tony/vt. \o/ Things are "LOOKING UP"!!!

  6. Tony, I just watched Kar Giver's Bonus Rapture Update on Alan Horvath's channel []. What a wonderful job she did in summarizing everything! I will need to watch her and Alan's original video all over again to absorb it all! And thank you for calling it to my attention.

  7. My friend and Sister in Christ, Ginger, sent me this confirming article:


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