
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Remember God is in Control--Including the Devil!

Recently I watched on a video of David Wilkerson speaking in 1973 of the end times vision he received of the Lord. Below is the video starting at about the 37 minute mark. I wanted to share it with you because of the comfort, encouragement, and exhortation it provides simply by us realizing that GOD IS IN CONTROL!

What this means is that the true God YHWH limits what evil men or even the devil are allowed to do. To watch this 52-minute video from the beginning, simply click here

David Wilkerson is a man of God who is no longer with us but one whom I respect as having been a true lover and disciple of Jesus our Y'shua.

Starting at about the 40 minute mark, here is an excerpt of this message:

God has everything under control! Even the devil is under His control!

As with Job, he may touch every physical thing around you, but you hear this--satan cannot possess you or rob you of your faith in God! The devil's power is limited and even a baby Christian can put him to flight!

Resist the devil and he will flee! [James 4:7]

And God's message is this, "I have not given you the spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind." [2 Timothy 1:7] No matter how things look, all things are still working together according to God's purpose.

Let the dollar fail, let there be unemployment and pollution and inflation and wars and rumors of war. Let the fabric of society disintegrate. For the true child of God EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL. IT DOESN'T MATTER. NOTHING CAN HARM YOU. LOOK UP AND REJOICE AND BE HAPPY!

The future is in His control. He knows exactly when Christ will return...The nations are but a drop in the bucket. Don't worry about worldly powers. I'VE GOT IT ALL PROGRAMMED!

God is still counting the hairs on your head. He still counts the sparrows that fall...He still answers before He is called. He has given abundantly above what we could ask or think, so saints of God wake up! He's still saving and healing... So you can go to bed tonight and say, "God has everything under control."

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Either Way--We are Going Home!

Bride Dress Blowing Over Jerusalem at David's Tower

As I shared in my previous blog, I have been seeking to understand the times we are in and how it relates to the Word of the true God for I was taught that the Bride of Christ would be caught away prior to the Great Tribulation. 

I simply want to go on the record again that I do not claim to know the exact timing of the catching away or rapture. Perry Stone points out some compelling scriptural evidence for the pre-tribulation rapture, however, in this 28-minute video [778 Perry Stone]:

I appreciated Perry mentioning that this does not mean we will not endure trouble or persecution in our lifetime. After all, Y'shua, our Jesus, said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33b KJV

Praise Yah, no matter which theory is correct--we are going home soon!

P.S. If you go to the original Youtube page for the above video at 778 Perry Stone, in the Comments section it reads: "Something else to point out, the groom (Jesus) comes for His bride Himself (rapture)...THEN (after the tribulation), He sends angels to gather His elect (those left behind who survived the trib). In Jewish culture, it's the GROOM who comes for the bride and the bride only, not the wedding party or guests.

About a week after watching the above video, I found an even better one by Perry Stone-- 3 PART HARVEST OF SOULS 15 min.  With the use of a chart in 15 minutes he very clearly outlines how there are 3 harvests or gathering of saints! This is the best information I have found to date. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Going Home

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Most everyone can relate to the elation of ‘going home’. I remember as a young adult how glad I was to be going home after a long time away. My most recent blog articles have been about the hope that we as followers of Y'shua, our Jesus, could soon be going home.

With recent world events I see the pieces coming together for the very real possibility of our soon gathering together with the Lord in the air or the 'Rapture' as it is more commonly referred to. 

What world events am I referring to?

September 7—Congress’s last day to review the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act before Labor Day recess [

September 13--It is projected that the new moon of Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets will begin on this day []

September 28--The final blood moon of the tetrad will appear [The Year of the Blood Moons]

What do these events have to do with the Rapture? If Congress votes for the Iran nuclear deal it would lead to the fulfillment of the prophecy recorded in Zechariah Chapter 12. 

And I am in the group who believes that the Rapture will occur on 'The Day No Man Knows' better known as Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets [go here for an explanation: The Year of the Wedding]. Scott Clarke of ERF Ministries has done an excellent job of laying out current events and how this all relates to end times prophecy [go to The Epic Alignment of 2015].

In 2014 Scott was hopeful that the Rapture would occur on the Feast of Trumpets that year. In a video that depicts this (You're Using the Wrong Calendar), his encouragement to be patient as we await the fulfillment of all things was a much needed exhortation for me. I encourage you to check out his site at

Several years ago I had a brief dream where I was lifted into the air and I realized I was being shown the Rapture. As I looked around me, I saw many others being caught up at the same time. Each one was translucent with the blue of the sky showing through the outline of their bodies. I did not know the person closest to me, but I noticed the look of serenity on his face as he gazed upward. His countenance reflected the epitome of Peace.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Year of the Wedding

I have been calling this 'The Year of the Wedding' because I am helping my daughter plan her wedding and it takes pretty much an entire year in which to do it. Lately I couldn't help but think of the Biblical reference to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19:9--

And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

My understanding of who is to attend that supper are those who have made Christ Jesus, Yahshua Ha Moshiach, their Lord and Savior and eagerly await Him coming in the air to gather His saints. (See the Bible Gateway website for an explanation of this viewpoint.)

Recently a friend sent me a link to a teaching by Perry Stone entitled, 'Has the Tribulation Begun'. As those of you know who have used You Tube, once you view one of the videos, a series of related ones pop up and you can get sucked into the vortex of You Tube. Yes, that is exactly what happened to me!

I then began watching videos related to the gathering together of the Saints unto Christ, or what is more commonly referred to as 'the Rapture'. 

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, - 2 Thessalonians 2:1 KJV

Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. - 1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV

There were several videos that named September 2015 (especially September 23, 2015) as the date we would be raptured. Even an Israeli leading rabbi announced the Messiah's return to be around that time. (I'm not going to post any here but you can easily find them if you search

Now you might say, "But I thought no man knows the day or hour?" referring to Mathew 24:36 or the verse in Mark:

But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. - Mark 13:32 KJV

This is a Hebraic expression referring to the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets (also known as Rosh HaShanah or Yom Teruah). If you are not familiar with the Feasts of the Lord, my blog article Remember I Love You lists them and outlines how our Savior fulfilled these festivals but is yet to fulfill the fall feasts of which Rosh HaShanah is one.

The Feast of Trumpets signals the beginning of a New Year and is when the gates of Heaven are opened so the righteous nation may enter (Isaiah 26:2; Psalm 118:19-20). Because of this, many believe this is evidence that the rapture of the believers in Messiah will take place on Rosh HaShanah.

Why does The Feast of Trumpets parallel the hidden day--the day and hour no man knows? The Hebrews reckoned time according to the moon cycles. Rosh HaShanah begins on a new moon. Israel looked for the new moon--that first sliver of light reflecting off the moon--and then reported it to the religious leaders. There had to be at least two witnesses to confirm it.  [See also the 7 minute video imbedded below to hear this teaching.] 

There was a 48-hour opening when they did not know the day or hour of the appearing of the new moon to mark the beginning of Rosh HaShanah, thus another name for Rosh HaShanah is "Yom HaKeseh", the Day of the Hiding or the Hidden Day []. 


There is great significance surrounding The Feast of Trumpets so I encourage you to learn more by going to my article Jesus' Appearing and the Fall Festivals and especially checking out Ed Chumney's site: Hebraic Heritage Ministries. I do not necessarily agree with all his teachings, but his understanding of the Feasts of the Lord and their spiritual application is impeccable. Much of my understanding comes from his book The Seven Festivals of the Messiah. 

Could 2015 be the year of the rapture? I hesitate to proclaim that it is, but could this be The Divine Appointment? How absolutely AWESOME if indeed this is 'The Year of the Wedding'--the year we prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb. Only time will tell...

Eagerly Anticipating~

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Divine Appointment

Excited that I might be able to finally witness a grand celestial sight, I awoke early this morning. The full moon shone clear and bright. The third blood moon of the Hebrew year was to make its appearance on the East Coast at 6:15 A.M. Unfortunately, my view was obliterated by clouds the wind blew in.

Blood moon tetrads--four total lunar eclipses--are a rare vision indeed. Not only that but the Scriptures tell us that God set the lights in the firmament for signs and for appointed times

And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the shamayim [heavens] to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for moadim [appointed times], and for days, and years; 
Genesis 1:14 Restoration Scriptures

The last series of four total lunar eclipses occurred in 1967--the year Israel recaptured Jerusalem. The tetrad before that? Well, it was in 1948--the year Israel became a nation. In 1492, during the Spanish Inquisition when the Jews were expelled from Spain on the 9th of Av, there was another tetrad of blood moons occurring on feast days. It was also the year Christopher Columbus, who was secretly a Jew, sailed to America.

Christopher Columbus bids farewell to his son Diego at Palos, Spain, before embarking on his first voyage on August 3, 1492.
Was Columbus Secretly a Jew?

What is the divine appointment for 2015?

Some believe this will be the year of the blood moon spoken of in Joel 2:31 and Revelation 6:12. Whatever the appointment is--it will be significant not only to God's people, but to the world. 


For further understanding of the blood moon tetrad and its significance, go to: Year of the Blood Moons

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2015 The Year of Glory

Those who have read my blog before know that since July 2012 (see The Wave of Glory) the Spirit of the Lord has impressed upon my spirit that we are living in the time when we will see His glory poured out like never before.

Bonnie and Bob Jones
So I was very encouraged when I recently read the following vision Bob Jones, a known prophet who went to be with the Lord in 2014, was given about The Glory Train back in 2010: 

Intro from Bonnie Jones:

Four years prior to Bob's passing he would say that he was looking forward to his 85th birthday because, like Caleb, he would receive his promises. Bob was born in the small town of Gravelly, Arkansas on February 4, 1930. Since 2015 will mark his year of promise, I would like to share Bob's teaching and revelation regarding his promise of the returning glory. He recorded a CD titled "The Glory Train" in 2010, therefore I'm using excerpts from it and leaving the text in the manner he spoke it so you can hear his heart and feel his spirit as you read it. It was always Bob's desire to encourage people and bring them to a higher level in the Spirit.

Excerpt from "The Glory Train" (spoken by Bob Jones in 2010)

A year ago I had a vision, and I waited a while to put it all together. And this is the vision I had. The train had come and I boarded it. I had a ticket and a seat. It was a very long train and it didn't have any boxcars on it. It was all just one long, large train and you could see from the beginning of the train to the end of it. There were literally thousands of people on this train and they were all sitting down.

So I found my seat and I sat down too. And I was wondering where's this train going? What is this train? I saw the Conductor come by so I asked Him, "What is this train?" He said, "This is the Glory Train!" Now I said, "Where are we heading?" He said, "To any city that wants it." And I said, "When will we arrive?" He said, "We will begin to arrive in 2012."

Then He gave me an egg. And I said, "When do I get to break open this egg?" He answered, "In 2012." I said, "What is this egg? What's inside this egg?" He said, "Time!" You see there was no time before man. Time was created for man. And in this egg there is yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's time. And every time you hear the train whistle it will remind you of the coming glory." (End of vision)

So Bonnie and I traveled to some places and one of the first places was Atlanta. And when I brought this revelation a train passed by and we heard the train whistle really loud. Then we went to a restaurant and all we saw was pictures of trains on the walls. And then we went to Knoxville, Tennessee, and I brought this revelation and a train began to whistle. I noticed an artist was painting "The Glory Train." So, I've been waiting for the rest of it to come together and I felt today was the day to begin to make the tape of the Glory Train.

Two promises were given to me in the past when I came back from death on August 8 of 1975. The first promise was that I was to come back and touch some of the leaders of the Church to prepare them for the greatest harvest of all time, which would be one billion people coming into the Lord in one great harvest.

And then I was told to get ready for I would live to see the glory return. For He showed me a couple of months before (in 1975) that the glory was departing. And I said, "Lord, how can we live down here without the glory?" I saw the glory often in the early 70's. I saw many men and women that had the glory on them, for they shone. They had an inner glow.

And I had asked Him why are You pulling back the glory? And He told me because people have been marketing His glory for their own lust, their own purposes and their own plans, and He was removing it! I totally missed the glory and I told the Lord to take me home now. I just don't want to live down here without Your glory. So He gave me this promise. He said, "You will live to see it return but you'll be old. But you will live to see it return."

Now several of these people that I saw that really shone beautifully, one by one, I saw them fall. It was like they couldn't handle the glory because they took it for themselves instead of glorifying the Father. So then I understood why the glory was removed. But I want to tell you something about the coming glory. It will ruin you. You will never be any good for the world again. You will live to be in that glory.

That glory is a feeling of well-being like you never had before. It's like that glory wraps you like in a cocoon of the anointing and you can feel so secure, so loved and so wonderful. And this coming glory we mustn't take this glory for our selfish purposes. This is why it's been so long in returning and we must glorify God in it.

So one of the main things I see getting ready to take place with this coming glory is John 14:13, "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." For this coming glory will be with such signs and wonders as you never seen before. Even doing greater things than what Christ did because He's gone to the Father and made it possible for us to do this.

This coming glory is to glorify one thing; it's to glorify the Father. And this is why the Lord has been dealing in our spirit man (our conscience) all these years to bring us to a place to where we wouldn't sell out to the world. But we would glorify the Father in everything that we do.

Back in the early 70's wherever you walked, people would see you shining. I'm talking about those that were unsaved. They would see you shining. Sometimes they would just want to draw up close to you because they would say, "I've been so depressed. Can I sort of stand by you because when I stand by you I'm not depressed anymore? I don't know what it is but whatever you got I need."

Evangelism was that easy. It's God's glory! I don't see how you could do really good power evangelism without God's glory. And every one of these things is first and foremost in the name of the Son as He came to glorify the Father. So in the name of Jesus as we begin to move in these latter times we will see some of the greatest signs and wonders you ever seen. It's to glorify the Father.

We're in a time of the coming glory. We're in a time of rain. I believe this rain is going to be literally like what they call a latter rain. I believe what's getting ready to take place really is the latter rain and it will never end. I also believe it is the reign of a King. I believe that we're going to begin to anoint Jesus as King. And I believe He's going to begin to reign over our hearts again and we're going to begin to glorify the Father. So what's in the Father's heart is going to be relayed to His sons and His daughters hearts through repentance and praise.

So get ready to lift your hands back up to Him again. Lift everything back up to Him. Lift that glory back up to Him. It's just as when you do things right in the natural you glorify your father and your mother. I believe you're getting ready to see the glorifying of the Heavenly Father. And I would sort of say concerning the mother; I believe the mother is the Church. God loves the Church and I believe the enemy has walls around the Church that kept the Church imprisoned. The glory is going to blow those walls down and the Church is coming out to accomplish some things it was meant to do. And the Church will experience the greatest harvest of all time that will never come to an end. So we're in that time.

The Lord revealed to me on August 8th of 75, when I was forty-five years old, that I would see promises that were given to me come into being when I'm 85. That's 2015. So I'm going to be around to see this take place. I'm going to begin to see the glory of God in the fields; the harvest fields that will never come to an end. I'm going to begin to see that glory on praise, intercession, prophecy and repentance on a level that's never been before. A glory that's ten times anything that's ever been.

So we're on that glory train and any time you hear a train whistle just say this in your thinking, "I'm on that train, I'm on God's glory train! My future is in His glory train and that's where I'll abide with Him! And all of my time down here, that glory train will get bigger and bigger because when it stops in the city, that city will no longer belong to the enemy. It will belong to the Father."

Get ready for entire cities to be saved. And get ready for the glory to shine at night like streaks of flames; like fireworks to where you'll visibly begin to see His glory. It's a coming glory but I don't believe we have to wait long for it to come. I believe it's at the door waiting and shortly it will come through.

So be excited in these times and get aboard the glory train. For that's the invitation of this. Get aboard that glory train and let's ride with Him in His glory as we glorify the Father. So in Jesus name these things I spoke, let it enter into your conscience, your spirit man to where you shine; an inner shining and inner glory that will shine in the darkest night that will never let darkness come in.

For you see; when light shines, darkness hides and you're the shining light. And this is what He's saying, "Shine! That's your glory! Don't put a bushel over your glory, but let your glory so shine so that man may see the glory and come to the knowledge and to salvation." In Jesus name. Amen. (End of Bob Jones' excerpt) [Source:The Elijah List ]