
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I’m not one for worshipping anyone or anything except the One True God. I do, however, believe there is a spiritual realm that will manifest on our physical plane. God’s angels will do this.

Have I seen an angel? I believe I have. One day I was out and about with my two sons when they were only little boys—Matthew was five and Jonah was three. I wanted to drive the car from the parking lot we were in to an adjacent lot. There was what looked like a speed bump between the two lots, so I proceeded to drive over it. Bad move. My station wagon got hung up on the so-called speed bump.

“Oh no, God, Tom is gonna kill me!” I cried out in prayer. There was no way I was going to get out of this mess without some help. Suddenly, a group of boys of staggered height walked up to us. They looked sort of like a teen rock band because every one of them had bright blonde hair.

“Is there something we can do to help you?” the tallest one asked. “Oh, yes. Could you give us a push over this hump I’m caught on?”

After we were all buckled in again, the boys gave the car a good heave and it was free. “Oh thank you so much!” I paused to show my appreciation and said I wished I could reward them monetarily, but the tall boy told me not to worry about it. Happy to be on my way again, I slowly drove to find a parking place. When I stopped I noticed Matthew had twisted out of his seat belt and was looking out the back window.

“They're gone,” Matt stated with a sense of amazement. “Yes, they’re gone,” I agreed looking in the same direction. “No, Mommy, they dis’ppeared. They walked ‘cross the road and then they were gone!” This time I took a hard look. There was no sign of the tow-headed youths anywhere. Then I got to thinking. It was a school day. What were these adolescents doing here on a school morning? Playing hooky waiting for me to make my dumb move? I don’t think so. It wasn’t a teen rock band, I believe it was a band of angels my Lord sent to rescue me. Y’know, so that my husband Tom wouldn’t kill me:)

Hebrews 13:2 KJV - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

What inspired me to share this is a friend just sent me an angel story along with a video link:

Hi family, this video is of a guy who had been spending time worshipping Jesus for 10 hrs a day for quite some time. He had committed to doing this for a few months or something. Anyways, his wife began coming in the room and worshipping with him. One day while they were doing this they began to hear angels singing with them. He decided to invest money to go into a professional recording studio and record him worshipping. Just him and his acoustic guitar and see if he would hear the angels again and be able to record it. He planned to go in there and do 4 songs. On the last song he heard them. You can hear it about 5 mins or so into the song. He is from Johnny Enlow's church in GA. He is singing in spanish.

Not only is it amazing when you start to hear the angels, but this guys voice is beautiful. When you listen to it, listen to it from a place of worship. People have really been encountering the presence of Jesus when hearing this.

Psalms 148:2 KJV - Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool story, Lyn! I love hearing about your experiences. Hope all is going well, and thanks for your continued prayers. I REALLY appreciate them.


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