
Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Inner Chamber

Many of you reading this will know what I am referring to when I write of the inner chamber and many will not. What I am referring to is the secret place in the spiritual plane reserved for you and your Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus, Yahshua, by way of the Holy Spirit.

You might call it the prayer closet. But prayer is only a part of our worship to the Almighty. Just when I believe I have ‘worship’ defined, He reveals more to me. I believe when I write as led by the Spirit of God that that is worship. Does it take the place of communion in the inner chamber? At this point in my life, I cannot be sure. I simply know He wants that exchange of intimacy. When I go to that trysting place seeking Him, many times writing ideas manifest. He is my inspiration. He is my guide, comforter, healer, and lover of my soul.

Not that a believer has to be in a particular physical location to experience a holy encounter. I remember the first time I saw the Lord Jesus. I had been praying for a few days asking to see Him because a friend of mine had told me that this was available—to see into the spiritual realm. I had gone to bed before my husband one night. Although my eyes were closed as I lay there, I sensed that someone had entered the room. I sat up and in the bedroom corner I saw a figure of light. “Lord, is that You?” I whispered with trembling lips. He did not speak, but I had a knowing within that it was Him and tears coursed down my face. Suddenly the door opened causing me to turn and see that it was Tom coming to bed. When I quickly turned back to look upon the Lord, He was gone.

It was the beginning of many more adventures in the spirit. Sometimes I recognized whether it was the Father (as I related in my recent blog entry titled Mental Illness--Hope and Forgiveness) or Jesus or the Holy Spirit, and sometimes I did not. My manner is to converse with the Lord throughout the day. One particular day as I was putting laundry into the washer, I was apologizing to the Holy Spirit for something and was surprised when I was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of love. Oh, there is nothing like it!

One of my favorite movies is Amazing Grace. It’s the story of William Wilberforce who was the leading abolitionist in Britain who persuaded Parliament to ban the slave trade in 1807. In one scene a servant finds this man of faith sitting in the middle of a meadow disheveled and with a silly grin on his face. Wilberforce shares with him how God has moved upon him and caused him to come undone.

Like William Wilberforce, I am thrilled, undone and truly humbled by these encounters. I simply live for those waves of love! You probably see my point in writing all this. I want to encourage you to seek His face. Whether it is by going outside, in a private room, or in your car, just do it. Go to the secret place--He is waiting for you.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe...Ephesians 1:18-19 in part

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