
Saturday, August 7, 2010

How Can Marriages Survive?

As my manner is, I checked my email before going to my blog site. This led to me signing yet another petition in the defense of marriage to be emailed to my representatives. One of our spiritual enemy's main attacks is on marriage, so today I am fighting back.

How can marriages survive this attack? The answer is simple, but not easy. Our Heavenly Father designed marriage to be a COVENANT NOT A CONTRACT. Webster's Dictionary uses the term 'covenant' to define what a contract is, but a covenant is a much more solemn compact than a mere contract.

When my husband and I were married over 31 years ago, we chose to share in the covenant of salt as part of our ceremony. We each partook of the salt by licking our finger and dipping it in a small dish of salt to signify that our words were salted (see Col. 4:6). Salt is rich in natural and spiritual significance. The biblical lore of salt begins in Leviticus 2:13 where Yahweh instructed the Israelites that every sacrifice was to be seasoned with salt and in Numbers 18:19 it became part of Yahweh's covenant with humanity. Entering into a covenant of salt means binding oneself to another in utmost loyalty and truthfulness, even suffering death rather than breaking the covenant.

Have we ever been tempted to break this solemn promise? Every couple has arguments, but the first time either one of us spoke 'divorce' also became our last time. That word hits the spirit and soul like a ton of bricks, so my husband and I agreed many years ago that we would never use the 'D' word. And I am so grateful to God that we have kept that promise. What I am sharing is NOT to slap a judgment on anyone who is divorced. I want to exhort those who are married to do spiritual battle against the enemy of our souls--by standing together. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone... (Gen. 2:18). We live in a place and time where we need one another more than ever. After the Lord, our spouses should be our best friends.

And so, Beloved, don't let finances, children, relatives, or well-meaning so-called friends cause you to give up on your marriage. Fight spiritual darkness the way Jesus, our Y'shua, taught us--LOVE ONE ANOTHER--and let your speech be seasoned with salt~

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Col. 4:6

Have you an edifying story for those struggling in their marriages? Please write a comment so that we may encourage one another.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, your writing is so good, even though I've heard just about all these stories; they still jerk tears out and move me extremely.I enjoy re-reading them. :-)
    I love you.


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