
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In Season, Out of Season

The doorbell rang so I headed for the front foyer. My grandson was already there to get the door, though, for he was expecting the neighbor to come over. He let his friend in and then scrunching his face up and nodding towards the candelabrum sitting nearby blurted, “What’s that for?” It was the holiday season and I had decked the halls with Christmas decorations and also with a nine-branched menorah associated with the festival of Hanukkah.

Instantly I knew what this ten-going-on-twenty-year older was up to.
It grieved my heart that my own grandson, who was temporarily living with us, despised our beliefs. He had spent other Christmases with us and already knew why I included this special candlestick in my holiday décor. He purposely asked me this question in front of the neighbor boy hoping to catch me off guard. But I was ready*.

“That is a menorah used for the Festival of Light. It is to celebrate Jesus Christ who is The Light of the World.” Before I could finish my sentence, the boys were gone.

Despite his scornful attitude, I will continue to give an answer to his questions in the hope that one day he will remember and believe.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;
reprove, rebuke, exhort
with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2 Timothy 4:2 KJV

We as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are to be ready at any time to speak the Word of Truth. This I am usually prepared for, but please pray for me as I am challenged when it comes to the “longsuffering” part.

*Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you...1 Peter 3:15

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Should We Celebrate Christmas?

My husband and I believed we were in God’s will when we moved to a small city further south in the state. Before moving, we had been part of a Messianic home fellowship where we had learned the significance of Jesus Christ, Yahshua Ha Moshiach, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies including the seven feasts of the Lord. We were looking forward to being a part of our new church family, for we had already met some of the brethren before relocating and knew they shared a similar background.

One Sunday in late autumn, the children’s pastor stood up to make an announcement. She invited the children and their parents to become involved in a Christmas program she was planning.

This puzzled me, because in my Messianic fellowship we had been taught that Christmas was of pagan origin and not a holiday instituted by God. We had relinquished many old traditions, including the Christmas tree, for we had learned of its idolatrous roots. Instead, my family embraced the winter feast of Hanukkah, The Festival of Light, and celebrated Jesus fulfilling it as The Light of the World. As she spoke, I went to the Lord in prayer.

“Why are they doing a Christmas program, Lord? Shouldn’t they be celebrating Hanukkah instead?”

His reply was immediate. “Both Hanukkah and Christmas honor Me.”

Like the Grinch who stole Christmas, a warm revelation filled me. What was in our hearts was all our Heavenly Father cared about. It did not matter to the Lord whether I put up a Christmas tree or not. What mattered was why I placed one in my home. Because of my mother’s teaching, to me the evergreen tree was a symbol of eternal life available through our Savior.
This was good news indeed, for I missed the traditions of my childhood. I felt…free!

Now at wintertime my family and I fill the house with decorations, including a brightly lit Christmas tree. We sing Christmas songs and bake Christmas cookies.

Should we celebrate Christmas? Yes! Yes! Emphatically, YES! With our whole being let us celebrate and honor the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Does Hanukkah Have to Do With Jesus?

This year Hanukkah began at sunset on December 1. Were you aware that the Lord is mentioned in the New Testament regarding Hanukkah?

It was winter and Jesus was in the Temple in Jerusalem for Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication. John 10:22-23 KJV

This feast is also called ‘The Festival of Light’. It is not one of the seven major festivals as named in the Old Testament; nonetheless, we should be aware of its significance. (For more information on the seven festivals, see my blog posting in September 2010 titled ‘Remember I Love You’.)

Just as Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Feasts of the Lord, He is THE FULFILLMENT OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHT—HE IS ‘The Light of the World’!

Another wonderful truth about Hanukkah is that it is the time of year when Mary conceived Jesus, Our Savior. Yes, The Light of the World came to earth during The Festival of Light. For greater understanding of how this could be true, follow this link to The Messianic Center's site and read the article 'Dreaming of an Autumnal Christmas':

Hanukkah is a special celebration begun many years ago to remember when God’s people were victorious over darkness. Let us celebrate Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light! (I Peter 2:9)
